posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 10:34 PM
Hello. I and a few friends are about to begin pre-production on an independant video game. It will more than probably be an FPS, just because of their
ability to make you feel like you are not just playing a game.
Anyways, our game will be based around REAL conspiracy theory. This is where you come in. I need your help coming up with some good, strange, or
creepy conspiracy stuff. I want your favorites.
First, you might need a bit of story to help you along. My personal idea so far goes a bit like this: You (before you are introduced) lose your
children to a kidnapper. You decide to join the FBI, or something, to fight the sort of sicko that would steal little children from their beds. You
rush head on into your job, until one night you see something top secret by accident, or something, and find yourself deep within a "shadow
government". Anyways, You are very good at your job and manage to go up in rank very quickly. You eventually make it to a position very deep within a
web of secrets. You and your team, basically, take care of all the governent's failed or compromised projects. (I'm imagining zombified soldiers and
cyborgs and all sorts of wierd and creepy stuff. I want to base all of it on actual conspiracy, so if you know of anything like that in conspiracy,
let me know).
Anyhow, one night, as you are doing your job, you are helped by a mysterious band of men who leave without a trace before you can talk to them. They
seem to be government men as well, but when you ask about them, your superiors brush you off mysteriously. Until one night they show up again. This
time they want to talk. They tell you that the government, the very people you work for, have been kidnapping children for use in experiments. With
this information, you decide to become a rebel and fight against the government.
Sounds stupid, I know. But it's a start. Please, lend me your thoughts...