posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 11:59 PM
something bad is happening down-under, since the port arthur massacre, law abiding shooters have been stripped of all semi-auto rifles, shotguns and
even 22's, a lot of people thought port arthur was a setup by the CIA, maybe they were right, but why australia, are we the first target of the
NWO?????, if you disarm the populace, then you can do what you want without resistance, now a law has been passed banning pistols greater than .38
calibre or with a barrel length of 120mm or less, yet the drug dealers, pimps and other scum are the perpetrators of violence, but the government
would rather punish those lawful, who use their weapons for sporting purposes, god what is the world coming to????, maybe australians will be the
first NWO takeover, i wonder who's next, most likely the UK they have tough firearms laws as well, in austrlalia, you cannot defend yourself, you
have to basically shut up and be a victim...