posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 02:23 AM
I have not been online for a very long time and when i checked my U2U's there was a question to me from a member wanting to know what i thought was a
good method for astral projection. I wrote back to him that in my opinion "the rope Method" by Robert Bruce was not only the best but the only way i
have been able to get out of body. Then i looked over the boards and saw your query about this same issue what a coincidense!.
The method can be found at "Treatise by Robert Bruce" i believe he was the originator of this method and that he developed this for the blind as a
way for them to see without the limitations of their impairment.Over the years i have tried many different techniques but this was the only one that
worked for me.
My area of expertise is Remote Viewing(over 15 years) and Astral Projection is a very distant second as far as my abilitys and interests go.
but i highly suggest people who are wanting to try AP use this method it should save you alot of time and frustration .
Good Luck Haliberd: Let me know if you have any questions about RV or AP i would be glad to help with advice and technique if you would like.