posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 05:58 PM
I think this advertisement mostly speaks for itself.
But I feel that I must emphasize the attitude displayed here. There are many hints that the US doesn't acknowledge other countries as such, just
part of "their" world. It has become clear that the US government is coming out with the message that they "are" the world, and that they run the
The "war on terror" is providing a wonderful opportunity for them to make this vision a reality for them, as one by one, governments come to them to
help "rid them of the terrorists".
I should also mention that I believe the US gov't is not the monolith of power that we all assume it to be..they are just one of many puppets in the
big show, and they serve as an effective diversion to draw attention away from the real power.
So I'm sending in my resume and application, wish me luck guys!