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Sugar and Spice and No Longer Nice

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posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 01:39 PM

According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report, the number of girls 10 to 17 arrested for aggravated assault has doubled over the last 20 years. The number of boys arrested for weapons possession rose 22 percent between 1983 and 2003, while the number of girls increased by a whopping 125 percent. Today, one in three juveniles arrested for violent crimes is female.

So whats up with this? Why are more girls leading becoming violent? Part of the problem is listed below.

Research suggests that the best predictor of violent behavior, however—for girls and for boys—is not hours logged playing videogames or competitive pressure, but firsthand exposure to violent behavior. And social scientists warn that the number of children who see guns, fights and other kinds of physical abuse on a day-to-day basis is on the rise. "Violence in girls, like violence in boys, is really rooted in the individual and the individual's situation. I don't think you can blame the culture entirely for this phenomenon," says Brumberg.

The last couple of police car chases in my town have been girls running from the law. When I was growing up most girls were pretty passive now a days girls are just as prone to cuss you me out as guys. Is our society becoming more violent or is this just part of the evolution of the womens rights movement?

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 01:45 PM
I think that it is not only that our society is becomming more violent as well as becoming more and more desensitized to violence. I also believe that there was more violent crimes commited by the female gender but did not get reported.
Do remember though we do have Lizzy Borden, Ma Parker, Bonnie of Bonnie and Clyde fame in our past.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 01:53 PM
I tell you what I would have gotten a whipping if I even opened my mouth when adults were talking as a child.

I have see a trend of violence on teens around, sometimes you can actually see in some of this children the hatred in the eyes when they look at you and the world.

Some of them look like they are not comfortable inside their skins.

I have a 21 and a 18 year old and they grew up with video games and regular TV, and I am not going to say the teens years were easy I had my bad days.

But it something that I think it help to keep them on the right path was that it was plenty of love and understanding "to a point" to go around.

It's hard in this days with so much influences by peer groups to keep your children from taking over the home.

When my son came one day and told me that I could not spank him anymore because the teacher told them that it was abuse and they should tell the police.

I told my then 7 year old son that I will spank him, the teacher and police if they came to the door because he thinks I was unfair.

He never said anything again.

If is something I told myself and my husband was, that no matter how much we love them we are the ones in charge and they are the children.

Most of our young are missing the love of a family, and the lessons on how for every action a consequences and that been a minor is not excused.

My husband and I are in charge of our home and have kept it that way.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 03:19 PM

When my son came one day and told me that I could not spank him anymore because the teacher told them that it was abuse and they should tell the police.

I told my then 7 year old son that I will spank him, the teacher and police if they came to the door because he thinks I was unfair.

I love it. You must be right. I have seen the difference between some of my friends kids and the way that their parents raised them. One kid would always talk back and do what they wanted or they cried and complained and the other would listen right now, he would go as far to say yes sir when his dad told him to do something. Guess which one got into trouble with the law?

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I tell you what I would have gotten a whipping if I even opened my mouth when adults were talking as a child.

When my son came one day and told me that I could not spank him anymore because the teacher told them that it was abuse and they should tell the police.

I told my then 7 year old son that I will spank him, the teacher and police if they came to the door because he thinks I was unfair.

He never said anything again.

Excellent post, Marge!

The problem w/the rising violence in our children is not because of exposure to guns, violence, etc. The problem is 'boundries'. We no longer teach boundries. The problem isn't exposure, the problem is with not being exposed.

Children were taught how to use guns back in the day. Children were taught to respect guns. Guns were a 'tool' or 'weapon' to our grandfathers.

Today, guns are a fallacy. Our children see guns as a 'mystery', a fantasy, a delicacy. It's a 'no, no' to have one, so if they happen to come across one, they hide it. They are sneeky with it, they use it as a "looky, looky at what I've got" toy to their friends. Something with such power should be treated with respect. Respect is something the current generation lacks.

Our Grandfathers had to cut their own switch from the tree, for their own spankings. Their mother kept a wooden spoon hung in the kitchen as a reminder of how to behave while at the table. You wouldn't disrespect mother or her wooden spoon!!! Would you?

We are taking advice from 'so called' Psychologists and 'experts on how to raise our children, instead of where we should be getting it. From our parents, and grandparents. Back in the day, your elders taught you how to discipline your children. They also taught you how to love your children.

What happened with our children? The state stepped in and said they will tell us how to raise our children. Guess what? The state can have 'em then. By the looks of things, they will have them soon enough. Thank goodness, hopefully they will have their hands full so I can go back to raising my child.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 03:43 PM

According to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report, the number of girls 10 to 17 arrested for aggravated assault has doubled over the last 20 years. The number of boys arrested for weapons possession rose 22 percent between 1983 and 2003, while the number of girls increased by a whopping 125 percent. Today, one in three juveniles arrested for violent crimes is female.

The 70's and 80's weren't Leave it to Beaver. And I'm not even sure kids weren't just as violent in other ways that didn't get you arrested (like they do in our current crack down police state).

Having said that, I'm sure though there's a significant increase in violent crime associated with crack coc aine, heroin and meth.

Kids could get pot and beer like candy in "the good old days," mellow out, do their rebel thing, and be taken home with a warning if they got too "rowdy."

Now they can't and have to stab little old ladies and rip people of for the only thing left they can still get like candy. Crack. That stuff doesn't care if you're male or female either.

Arrest records anyway are always suspect when looking at so called "behavioral" trends. When you start arresting people at the drop of a hat, it doesn't mean anything is on the rise but arrest rates. There was a time any town cop in America would take a drunk girl that even killed a man home to Dad with no police report. Ask Laura Bush.

Now Cops just arrest females with more equality is a big part of it, I'm guessing. I'd much rather fight a drunk guy than a whacked out, drugged up chick at a concert anyway. Have you seen those little monsters?

[edit on 5-6-2005 by RANT]

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 04:09 PM

I believe the trend started around the 70s. 70s is an era where people rejoiced and celebrated their 'free thinking' ways. Drugs were huge as well. Mothers and fathers started forgetting their responsibilities. They looked at their 'love' children as just a 'bump in the road'. Heck, they didn't even know where their children were most of the time.

Women burned their bras, and men pretended to respect them in a new way. It was a great thing in deed. Men and women were now equal. (On paper) Most were happy with the progress, on the 'outside' anyway. On the inside, no one was really sure of their role anymore.

While everyone was pushing to make sure they were getting their 'equal' treatment, they forgot about their children. 'Housewife' became a bad word, 'stay-at-home-mother' even worse. We were happy to hire someone else to look after our children. No way we would want to be left behind, whilst our sisters were dancing in the corporate streets. It didn't even matter that our wages barely paid for the sitter.

With all the free love and confusion about what roles we should play, came the 80s a decade that we so humbly know as the 'decade of divorce'. Our courts were littered with divorce petitions and property disputes, but what about the children? Oh yeah, those!

Children became a tool in the divorce charade. Mom spoiled the kids when they were with her. Dad was afraid to discipline when they were with him. We don't want the kids mad at us, do we?

(I'm sorry, just realized I'm rambling.)

See? No discipline, no boundries. Just children who feel they are 'entitled'.

[edit on 5-6-2005 by SourGrapes]

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 04:18 PM
You might also include the Dr. Spock books on how to raise your kids.
According to his books, which most of the child psychologists back then supported, A "good parent" did not administer corpral punishment (spanking) or even gicing them a dressing down for wrongs that a child commited. When I child was disobedient, the parent was to only speak to them as a freind and rationalize with them to solve the problem.
This on the surface sounds good and it was well intentioned, the problem lies with the raging hormones that a teen goes through and just how irrational their thinking is

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 04:20 PM
I agree with you sourgrapes I was a teen in the seventies and even when my parents were very strict I also think that the family as an unit started to go down the hill after that time.

Remember that the seventies parents were the free hippies of the 60s with a brand new view of life and family at the time the offspring's of this parents were to become the 80s teens.

I kind of starting to understand when perhaps all started.

This topic would make a great research subject.

Like, asking if the baby boomer' are to be blame for the problems in our society now a days.

Occurs this do not apply with all of them. So please I am at the back end of the baby boomers so I am part of it too I am not offending baby boomers but looking to see when the trend started.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by kenshiro2012
You might also include the Dr. Spock books on how to raise your kids.
According to his books, which most of the child psychologists back then supported, A "good parent" did not administer corpral punishment (spanking) or even gicing them a dressing down for wrongs that a child commited. When I child was disobedient, the parent was to only speak to them as a freind and rationalize with them to solve the problem.
This on the surface sounds good and it was well intentioned, the problem lies with the raging hormones that a teen goes through and just how irrational their thinking is

I can't believe I forgot about Dr. Spock!!

You're right, children aren't our friends. They are our children. Friendship is a huge burden to place on the shoulders of our children.

Edit: I just read your reply, Marge. Excellent idea. I do think it would make a great research project. I think so much of the research has been 'short-sided'. Researchers will resource a decade, a class, a trend. usually the research is catered to the point they are substantiating. Not many go into a project open-minded with the 'real' hopes of finding the answers or solutions.

[edit on 5-6-2005 by SourGrapes]

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