posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 12:45 AM
Rules of engagement? They are pretty tricky.
If an order is illegal or established as immoral, then yeah, you can disobey it. Like, if your commander orders you to go sell crack to Iraqi school
kids, you can tell him to stuff it, just make sure you get some witnesses and report it. Your word against his, the more evidence you have, the better
chance you have of getting off.
If say, your commander tells you to shoot an Iraqi kid thats running towards you, its a bit different. If you do not shoot, and the kid is packing a
bomb and ends up blowing away half your unit, then you can get busted for disobeying a direct order. If you shoot the kid, and you find out your C.O.
told you to do it because he didn't like the look the kid gave you, you had better report it quick if you want to avoid later charges.
But this guy doesnt have a leg to stand on. He cannot truly be a consciencious objector. He joined the army willingly, as we do not have a draft in
place (yet). Once you join, thats it, your ass belongs to the government. You made the choice to join, with that choice, comes the possibility that
you may be sent into who knows what conflict. If one breaks out and you get sent, tough luck, should have thought if that before you signed the dotted
This dude should be busted for desertion. And I hope the Canucks send his ass back so he can recieve proper punishment.
I did not believe we should be in the Gulf, and did not want to go to Saudi, but I went anyway, because when I signed that paper, I basically said
"Uncle Sam Owns My Ass" and it was my duty to go. I went. Because it would be more immoral for me to bail out when things became less than pleasant.
Hope this dude gets busted as an example.