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!!!!! OUCH !!!!!

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posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 11:39 PM
Worth a look, to see where your freedoms are going...

Don't post anything on explosives or assassinations here.


Sherman Austin, webmaster of, was sentenced today, August 4, 2003, to one year in federal prison, with three years of probation. Judge Wilson shocked the courtroom when he went against the recommendation of not only the prosecution, but the FBI and the Justice Department, who had asked that Austin be sentenced to 4 months in prison, and 4 months in a half-way house, with 3 years of probation.

Austin's probation stipulates, among other things, that (1) he cannot possess or access a computer of any kind without prior approval of his probation officer, (2) if his probation officer gives permission, the equipment is subject to monitoring and is subject to search and seizure at any time, without notice, (3) he cannot alter any of the software or hardware on any computer he uses, (4) he must surrender his phone, DSL, electric, and satellite bills, (5) he cannot associate with any person or group that seeks to change the government in any way (be that environmental, social justice, political, economic, etc.), and (6) he must pay over $2,000 in fines and restitution. Austin must surrender himself to the Federal Bureau of Prisons by September 3, 2003.

To contact sherman, email [email protected]


On Jan 24, 2002 , my home was surrounded and raided by approximately 25 heavily armed FBI and Secret Service agents in one of the governments first attempts to exercise the new US Patriot Act. I was interrogated for several hours while they ransacked my room and they seized a network of computers which I used to run my web site They also seized protest signs, and political literature. Their excuse was a protest guide (which I didn't author) that was posted to my site which a small portion contained information on explosives. The FBI had been monitoring the site long before this was ever posted, and long before Sept 11. The "explosives information" on my site (again which I didn't author) doesn't compare to what you an find on any other web sites such as,,,,, or the many neo nazi web sites which cover everything from assassinations, explosives, fraud and firearms. It's obvious a web surfer interested in making a bomb or taking part in other extra-illegal activities would not have to rely on So how could the "bomb making information" on be a concern to authorities? It wasn't a concern, it was simply used an excuse to exercise the new Patriot Act and take down the site. And that's what they did when federal agents spent 5-6 hours interrogating me while they disassembled each computer one by one , mirrored each hard drive, then loaded everything into a big white truck. During this whole process I was told I wasn't going to be arrested, and that I could even leave if I wanted to. Once the agents finished packing everything up, Special Agent John I. Pi, who was conducting the investigation and raid said that I had crossed a line, and as long as I got back on the other side of that line I'd be okay..... more at link

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 11:48 PM
Yeah I read that story over at Its a shame when someone gets persecuted for standing up for what they believe in. A sad story about the state of affairs in our country.

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 11:52 PM
Bush Administration--Thousand Year Reich. Think about it, won't you...

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by Thorfinn Skullsplitter]

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:05 AM
I am afraid that some future history will say:

"In the early 21th century, the United States developed perhaps the most repressive political regimes in the history of mankind citing it as being for the defense of liberty".

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:07 AM
Everyone needs to give this a real close read, especially those who still don't understand how dangerous the "Patriot Act" list of new rules are to everyone's freedom. What was left of it, anyway...

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:25 AM
To think that many of us American's think they have nothing to worry deluded many are.
This is nothing more than the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. in action.
Time travel must be a nickel a trip cause it seems America has entered a wormhole and gone back to 1933 Germany....
my opinion anyhow.


posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:29 AM
Maybe we should start a wake up America Forum, and have this at the top of all the other attempts/threads to snap the sence of reality into the people. But then people only believe what they want to. Hopefully the old saying will work...Say it enough times, and you will start to believe it...

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:43 AM
We are heading into a new era of McCarthyism, and nobody seems to mind.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:46 AM
A guy gets his name on a national registry of sex offenders, yet he wasn't convicted of a sex crime. Can this be real?!

Court Orders Sex-Offender Status for Man
Court Orders Sex-Offender Status for Minnesota Man Without a Sex-Crime Conviction

The Associated Press

ST. LOUIS Aug. 7 �
A federal appeals court has upheld a Minnesota law that requires a man to register as a sex offender even though he was not convicted of a sex crime.

In Wednesday's ruling, Judge C. Arlen Beam wrote that the sex offender registration law and the Minnesota Supreme Court's interpretation of it "turn reason and fairness on its head." Nonetheless, Beam concurred in the unanimous decision of a three-judge panel of the Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis.

Brian Gunderson was charged in 1998 in with first-degree criminal sexual conduct after a woman he met in a bar accused him of rape, the ruling said. Gunderson denied raping her but admitted they had a "physical altercation."

The physical evidence did not support the rape allegation, and that charge was dismissed.

In a deal with prosecutors, Gunderson pleaded guilty to a new complaint charging him with third-degree assault. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison, which was suspended, and three years' probation. Less than a year later, Gunderson violated his probation and was sent to prison, the ruling said.

While in custody, he was told he would have to register as a sex offender under a state law that requires it whenever someone is convicted of a sex offense "or another offense arising out of the same set of circumstances."

After registering, Gunderson sued the Corrections commissioner. He argued he should not have to register because the original rape charge had been dismissed and the assault statute under which he was convicted was not covered by the registration statute.

But the federal appeals court panel said it agreed with the Minnesota Supreme Court's reasoning in a 1999 decision upholding the law. The Minnesota court ruled that a defendant who was charged with a sex crime but pleaded guilty to a lesser charge included in the same complaint had to register.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:47 AM

OI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Save your comments for Tyriffic, and ThomasCrowne, and Seekerof on his bad days.

I mind hugely.

This is Stalinism, not McCarthyism.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:52 AM

I'm coming around but obviously not fast enough.....


posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:52 AM
That is pretty much what I have been trying to do myself the best I can. What really makes it difficult and a bit aggrivating is when you talk to people who just refuse to consider a different view point. They first seem like they are open to new ideas but once you start crossing a point they go into some stage of denile or something. Even if the evidence is right there, black and white, accepted by both sides as fact, admitted to even...Some topics seem impossible for some to grasp out of fear, or loyalty, mind control...something I just don't know....Ya know what I mean?? There are lot's of these people out there too, how do you reach them??

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

OI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Save your comments for Tyriffic, and ThomasCrowne, and Seekerof on his bad days.

I mind hugely.

This is Stalinism, not McCarthyism.

Hey, I didn't mean that you don't mind. One of the reason I like this board is that there are one or two others who seem to be as concerned with what our government is doing as I am.

Why do you say Stalin and not McCarthy?

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 01:07 AM
McCarthy blacklisted people suspected of being radical pinko commies, and affected their reputations in a way that prevented them working. Propaganda war.

Stalin sent dissidents to death, corrective training or the salt mines, after 'legally' assuming dictatorial powers.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 06:40 PM
Pushing Away Traditional Rights In Order To
Activate Complete Totalitarianism

(surprized by how easily that rolled off the top two inches to the tongue to the keyboard)

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 07:05 PM
I swear to god people are getting stupider and stupider. There letting there freedoms go down the drain. Because of baseless fears.

9,11 was the best thing to happen to these Nazi types. On that day the people of America decided that they cared more about a danger that was very small and less about there freedoms. Some times I wonder if 9,11 was not aloud to happen just so Act�s like the Patriot act could be put into place.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 11:41 PM
It wasn't the best thing to do, since they just rushed the NWO. (or were fooled or payed to do so)

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 11:57 PM
Some times I wonder if 9,11 was not aloud to happen just so Act�s like the Patriot act could be put into place.

You called it right there arcana, and it's no "wonder" about it. Anyone who thinks that 4 planes could possibly get hijacked then crash into the WTC and Pentagon without our side opening a big fat hole for it, is just stupid. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Tom Clancy even write a book about something similar like a year before it. Not to mention there was like 70 min. flight time for us to respond and do something. And we get some B.S. about "Gee, we just never anticipated something like this happening....Gosh oh Golly" It makes me sick!! I mean I could show my 3 y/o neice 1/8 the of the evidence of what happened and she'd figure this one out. To believe otherwise is to also believe that the Best and Most Advanced Military Power of the Planet is complete inept and ran by Larry, Moe, and Curly...

**This is a bit off topic, sorry.....I am just a little passionate about this sometimes...I'll try and keep on topic...

[Edited on 9-8-2003 by mOjOm]

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 12:01 AM
The federal reserve is a corporation which controls our money,like we didn't already know that!,and it is funny money besides,not worth squat,DEBT NOTES,AN ACCOUNTING TRICK!!!,and democracy is an embroyonic form of socialism.
Fiat money has destroyed every society that ever used it.
The problem here is that people die,if people lived long enough,and taught their kids what they needed to know,if kids actually thought old fogies actually had something to say that pertained to them,if the old fogies who could point things out to us weren't shoved into homes,because they can't afford to live because taxes keep going up and up and up.
Our country is being pried apart with a media crowbar.schools don't teach the truth,kids just wanna be movie stars and sports celebrities,everybody forgot that someone has to do the laundry,and take out the garbage,nobody has much respect for each other any more.
The changes start way down here.

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 12:06 AM
Could easily be leading this country,after all,the political elite will not be held accountable for what they destroy,or do not do,kinda like a lawyer,he takes your money whether or not you win the case,see the parralell there?,the missing 13th amendment in anti-action I suppose you could say...

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