posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:47 PM
Okay, maybe "pleasure" is arguable, but I thought I'd go ahead and post it up here anyways and see what everyone thinks. I put up a couple of
pieces (music) on SoundClick. They're instrumentals, one's a jazzy/swing kind of tune and the other is rather in the classical vein. You can get
to them through
here, or if you want to cut straight to the chase then click
I'd really appreciate any feedback, good bad or ugly. All I ask is that if you don't like it, let me know why if you can. I know sometimes you
just don't like a song for no definable reason whatsoever, but if you think it needs something in particular let me know what it is. At the very
least, don't just post "It sucks." I don't mind someone saying that (or worse even), but tell me why.
Enjoy if possible
EDIT: Just to clarify, the first link goes to my "band" page, with info and background, etc. The second link goes straight to the music.
[edit on 6/2/2005 by MCory1]