posted on Feb, 20 2007 @ 11:18 AM
The Titor story ranks up there in my favorite stories, along with the hollow earth and the intergalactic space war stories. Not that I believe in
them really, but they are great freakin stories.
However, I don't think it's fair to put Titor in the same category as those other stories as his was the only one to go above and beyond everything
else. Here's how I feel about it and what I think makes his story different.
Titor provided:
1.Photos of his time machine in action of the major parts
3.schematics on the machine
4.insignias to back up his military angle
5.a believable theory in regards to his worldline divergences unchanging back story with few to no obvious holes
Most importantly though, he didn't get insulted and fly off the handle when people questioned him. He didn't get mad or heated, he acted almost
like someone who didn't care much 'cause he was leaving anyway.
He openly answered questions about anything, his time machine, his history, his world line, the divergence theories etc. He never had a problem with
being open about anything and no one could find any real gaping holes.
Now, a lot of people, Springer included, have had problems with his divergence theory, mainly the idea that he couldn't get back to his original time
line. Springer mentioned he couldn't understand how someone could be sent on a mission to get a computer if he could never return to his original
world line. Here's how I see it:
Titor mentioned that he could return to a worldline with a 2% divergence from his original. He also mentioned that his presence in an alternate world
line would then create a new world line (i.e the original 1975 world line, and the new 1975 with John Titor in it). According to this, he follows
the multiverse theory where each action, or choice we make, creates a new set of alternate realities.
For example, there're two doors in front of me, according to this theory, there will be at least three new alternate realities created from this
situation. (A) Where I go through door number 1, (B) where I go through door 2 and (C) where I go through neither. However, there are also an
infinite amount of other possibilities. These other realities are all effected by the divergence of previous alternate realities before this choice
of the two doors.
There could be a reality where I'm a girl, where I'm black, where I'm 8 feet tall, where I'm paralyzed, any number of possible realities.
However, the further we get away from this reality I am in right now the greater the divergence percentage between any two given realities.
Given the infinite amount of differences between any two realities with a great enough divergence percentage it becomes obvious that a 2% divergence
is really not that significant. That 2% could consist of things small enough to be comparable to someone in "Mission Control" not having brushed
their teeth in this new 2% divergent reality whereas they had brushed their teeth in the original world line. Obviously, there would be more things
different than the one man not brushing his teeth, but I believe all the differences would be as inconsequential as that example.
The act of Titor traveling back in time (imo) would be significant enough to exceed the 2% divergence. Or in other words, a world line where John had
not left in the time machine would have a divergence percentage greater than 2%.
The same would go for any other major differences, i.e. him bringing back a different computer, him returning to a world line where his enemies had
won the war etc.
Major differences would exceed a 2% divergence.
The same idea goes for him being able to tell us anything he wants and not worry about changing "the future" (futurepast lol). Since these world
lines, or alternate realities, do not follow perfectly parallel courses then two world lines that have a divergence percentage of say 2% in 1975 could
have a DP of 25% in 2036. This is also probably why he said he needed to return from 2000 to 1975 and then back to 2036. The DP between our 2000
world line and his 2036 line was too great.
I hope that wasn't too confusing.