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ET Exposure law

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posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 06:49 AM
On October 5, 1982, Dr. Brain T. Clifford of the Pentagon announced at
a press conference ("The Star", New York, Oct. 5, 1982) that contact
between U.S. citizens and extra-terrestrials or their vehicles is
strictly illegal.


(Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, adopted on
July 16, 1969, before the Apollo moon shots), anyone guilty of such
contact automatically becomes a wanted criminal to be jailed for one
year and fined $5,000. The NASA administrator is empowered to
determine with or without a hearing that a person or object has been
"extraterrestrially exposed" and impose an indeterminate quarantine
under armed guard, which could not be broken even by court order.

There is no limit placed on the number of individuals who could thus
be arbitrarily quarantined.

what do you think about this law???

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 07:07 AM
A bit more info!!!

The decision cannot be reversed, not even by a court order, making the law completely against the American Constitution. The law also effectively makes anyone involved in a CLOSE ENCOUNTER a criminal. Since the law is in Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, very few people know about it since you would have had to have gone through at least 1210 other laws in the book to find it.

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 03:51 PM
soon enough it'll be illegal to have knowledge

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 07:02 PM
There have been other posts on this:


There was another but it must have been deleted.

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 07:09 PM
What happens if youve been abducted? do you have to hand yourself in ?????
This is law gone loopy!

And how can they prove it?????? with out exposing the truth??

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by DJDOHBOY
What happens if youve been abducted? do you have to hand yourself in ?????
This is law gone loopy!

And how can they prove it?????? with out exposing the truth??

That's what was said on the other thread. You could easily just say aliens don't exist. ...with that arguement, you will win.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by asala

(Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, adopted on
July 16, 1969, before the Apollo moon shots), anyone guilty of such
contact automatically becomes a wanted criminal to be jailed for one
year and fined $5,000. The NASA administrator is empowered to
determine with or without a hearing that a person or object has been
"extraterrestrially exposed" and impose an indeterminate quarantine
under armed guard, which could not be broken even by court order.

what do you think about this law???

Hmm.. just a theory
What is the significance of this law? The Government of the United States could have been aware of the presence of ET.
Why make such a law in the first place? The reason cant be, to treat contamination like a virus.

And why be removed by the CFR in 1991? Nasa determined that it no longer "served its purpose".
This isn't just a slight degree of oddness.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:11 PM
...this is a wild law! Suppose their Trilateral Comm is the bad guy ETs, maybe the reptilians and there's good ones out there, I was reading some other thread where a guy is convinced there's a space war going on. We can't go near ships should they land?? That's nuts.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:35 PM
Just my spit balling but I would think that this law was put in place for our protection.
In the early days of space exploration there was a real concern about the dreaded “space germs”.
I recall having watched an interview with a astronaut talking about having been held in quarantine after a flight.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 09:45 PM
What do I think of this law?

I think this is as close as you can get to true disclosure.......This is the GUBMINT admitting that ET's and the craft they use are nobody's imagination run amuk. They are so dang REAL that laws have been put in place in a lame attempt control how we respond to such contact.

It really just goes to show WHY the majority of 'experiencers' keep their mouths shut about the whole thing.....

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 09:54 PM
That law is one thing. What about our laws? If an Alien was captured on the count of unwanted medical examination on a civilian, how do we handle that? Jury of their peers? Huh?

Laws will surely be questioned when another species is ever integrated into the mix. Other than humans, we typically euthanize just about any animal for sniffing the wrong hydrant. I just can't wait to see what happens in years to come if there is contact.

"Sorry judge, but the defendant escaped by having the entire courtroom held under a mind-spell, a ship beamed the defendant through the roof and he is now gone."

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:14 PM
Here is Title 14 and all that governs NASA. A few spots are now reserved including 2011. Interesting read though.

Title 14

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by asala

There is no limit placed on the number of individuals who could thus
be arbitrarily quarantined.

what do you think about this law???

Well The Law should be technicaly null & void - as they can not place a law on something which they dont even recognise as existing.

Extra-Terrestrial contact is not just a matter for the US government, or its agencies - But the Whole Planet. If there were to be any laws passed about ET Contact, it should be passed at the United Nations under a global conferance with World Leaders.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Bradenbeattie]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 04:30 AM
That article 14 link didn't seem to mention anything about ETs or I was missing something. .. . .

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Mr Mxyztplk

First of all, there are "NO Germs" in Space!

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 05:28 PM

Snopes explains it all much better than I can.

A more pressing concern: what leads you to believe that the law can't be overturned? every law can be overturned by: juries, courts, new legislation, or at the most severe, constitutional amendment.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Bradenbeattie
Well The Law should be technicaly null & void - as they can not place a law on something which they dont even recognise as existing.

Technically it could be very valid, its just that they cant use it.

If a person says he's been abducted, then NASA would still have to prove it in order for them to incarcerate the abductee. And if they can prove it, well then they just acknowledged alien life - that they obviously can prove, somehow.

Maybe its even worth it. Think of going to a job interview...

- "Well, I see here that you've been in trouble with the law. A year in jail?!"
- "Yeah, it was just this tiny run in with the goverment. I proved that aliens exist and that they abduct people."

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 05:54 PM
It was removed in 1991. Im more impressed that a mod remade a thread about a subject that was already made and then another mod even posted in it rather then remove it like they would for others.

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