You guys heard about the Ark right? This is just too much for me.. its so, screaming "WW3 on the horizon".
For those of you who do NOT know..
"The Ark of the Covenant is the best known item in the Tabernacle, renowned for its mysterious powers against the enemies of Israel. The Ark of the
Covenant resided in the Holy of Holies, the innermost room of the Tabernacle. Access was only permitted once per year, on the Day of Atonement (Yom
Kippur). Access was restricted to one person only, the high priest. He had to come into the Holy of Holies with the blood of a goat, on behalf of his
own and the people of Israel's sins.
The Ark itself was a small box made of acacia wood, overlaid with gold. It measured 1.15 metres long, 0.7 metres wide and 0.7 metres high. It was
carried by two long bars, also made of acacia wood overlaid with gold." (1)
And you saw Raiders of the Lost Ark right? Remember that grand finale when the Nazis melted? That is what we are talking about here, the box that they
opened that all the evil spirts came out of.
What does archeology have to do with the War On Terror? Or film for that matter?
Okay... alledgedly the Ark has been found. Its been found apparently by the guy who is the basis for character Indiana Jones, though his name is
actually Vendyl Jones (he probablly liked the name Indiana better too, I couldn't find out what his dogs name was however) (2). He is a huge
supporter of Israel and was the only American to fight in the Six Day War. He apparently predicted the Six Day War by using some numerology and code
breaking through some old Jewish texts. "Knowing" that the Six Day War was about to begin, he gave the Israeli state a heads up and even spotted
tanks for them on the battlefield (he's color blind so he can see though the camo on the units). So supposedly, this guy knows where the Holiest of
Holies is. Apparently because of some newly discovered ancient texts (again with the ancient texts) he's figured out where the Ark is hidden.
But before I get to the punchline, I want to tell you about one other little issue. Its called the Temple Mount, its just a large plot of land
really.. but historically (a few thousand years ago) the Jewish Temples of Worship were built there (3). You know the story of the land disputes in
Israel and all the problems over there so I'm not going to get in to that right now (I will in a moment because its the reason for this post).
However, the long story short is that in order to build the next (fourth) temple on the Mount, the Jewish population has to get rid of the oldest
mosque in the world which is currently using that same space. Muslims won't be happy with this at all. There are a couple structures on the Temple
Mount (TM) that they believe are holy to them, yet in order to build the fourth temple so that the Jewish messiah has a place to sleep when he's in
town those muslim buildings have to come down. SO... of course.. through out recent history there have been several attempts by Jewish extremists to
destroy the structures there and/or lay the corner stone of the new temple. It should be noted here for the sake of getting to the point that every
year these attempts that are made on the life of the muslim structures on the temple mount are NOT sanctioned by the Israeli government. However in
RECENT past (last couple of years) the act of laying the corner stone of the new temple HAS been allowed by the Israeli state (at least as far as I
could tell.. its SO HARD to get the 'facts' out of that area sometimes.. very very hard to tell what is truth and what is propaganda in the best of
situations.. its a war zone, and therefore subject to the laws and rules of fact in wartime). Long story short, the Israelis want to build the next
temple on the mount after getting rid of the muslim structures and places of worship that are already there so that God will come back and judge us
all, and the muslims want to keep the mounts existing structures as is. It has been suggested.. that if at any point the Jews try to begin
construction of the new temple.. or harm the muslim structures on the temple mount in any way that will touch off a war the likes of which we have
never seen before (4). It will be Isreal versus the muslim world. This is a very very very serious flash point. The uprising and surge of violence
that happened in the area in the last 4 years was caused when Sharron vistied the Mount with a small army. This didn't go over well (obviously).
Okay I'm getting to the point here now, guess where they are saying the Ark's hidden location is? Remember, this is the Jewish Holiest of Holies..
this is bigger then the Grail okay? Yup, its under the TM. This will allow the Isrealis to say "See, this land belongs to us, and now that we have
the Ark, it needs a proper resting place. A proper home." And that will be the cue for someone to blow up the muslim structures on the Mount in order
to start construction of the fourth temple. I shouldn't have to tell you what that means.
So.. in a few more months. Things will degenerate quickly I'm sure. Mr Jones will find his Ark.. and btw.. they are planning on uncovering the hidden
Ark live on TV and I assure you this will be no Al Capones vault situation. They will not go through the effort of a live broadcast and find nothing
under the mount. The Ark is there.. whether its the real Ark of the Covenent... who knows. They could have found a similar box, or had it made for
them complete with some fake carbon dating (being made from other ancient materials or somehow having its chemical makeup altered) .. who knows.
Its been said that there probablly isn't a more precarious situation on earth then the Dome on the Rock and the TM. This could start WW3 with just
one antitank rocket to level the muslim structures on the land that is the TM. With the unvailing of the Ark set for Augest 14th, we'll just have to
see what happens. They are predicting that this will turn the world upside down because the discovery of the Ark would suggest that all the Jewish
history and claims to the land in the area are valid, though I don't understand why. Did the Norwegians lay claim to the Minnesota because of relics
found there?
What do you think? I honestly believe this is the manufactured lead up to an all out war. Either that or a red herring... THIS little event, coupled
with the kook out by Las Vegas calling down UFOs ... I feel like we're being set up here sometimes. Its just all too sureal and too damn weird.
Just almost too much for me. How about you? A summery article is here..
Thank you in advance for endulging me with your time.