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Wanted - help about Reptilians

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posted on May, 29 2005 @ 04:04 PM
Necros, I am not usually mean, and I don't really intend here to be mean but... do you think you're using the appropriate pre-signature? I quote it:


You are just denying everything else so far...

I know this looks like a direct attack, and I know it is not accepted here, and I know it is anyway mean. Btw, what I mean here, your posts are a little too "I know and you don't" and "you don't believe me so shut up".

Maybe you could be a bit more credible if you adopted another style. I am not to like your style, but when I read those things like your last post, I can't help but think "oh no not another one..."

Just my views, don't flame, don't blame. If you don't agree we can talk about it.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by SpookyVince
Reptilians lay eggs...

Think about that!

Good Call
I am sorry to say but that picture that you included in your first post ( This is being directed to Necros) the three gentlemen look phony to me. Why would they all be dressed in the classic overcoat and large hats? I dunno I will pay some attention to this thread and see if anything else comes up that sways me in one direction or the other.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 04:19 PM
Well with all due respect towards all parties here, I didn´t ask for anything except for information about Reptilians. I can´t recall wanting to hear peoples opinions about me as a person, but in that case you are entitled to have whatever opinion you feel like having.

Maybe someone should start a thread about that? It is a bit like pissing in the rain to discuss everything except the information I hope someone out here has. If the thread doesn`t please you anyway, feel free to move along. I will not be spending my time on ATS fending off statements that dosen´t make any different what so ever IRL.

It´s just words on a little screen somewhere on this planet, totaly pointless. I hope you guys get me right. Sorry I can´t change my apperance like those three other guys this thread is partially about, I don´t do shapeshifting, sorry. Take me as I am or leave it be.


posted on May, 29 2005 @ 04:31 PM
Necros, again, I don't mean to be bad, but if you want information about stuff, I believe that there are enough search engines and encyclopedias in the world to provide you with a mouthload of it without a need for you to request it here.

Visit (for information
AltaVista (well... OK)
as search tools,
(these are obviously examples in the huge number of search engines...)

Wikipedia as a reference...

I am not against giving links or information here on ATS and I actually did it a few times. That said, there are tons and dozens of pages about reptilians, here on ATS or elsewhere. Get your fingers used to hit some keyboard and find a bit about it before you request the world's knowledge on such a vastly covered subject.

Now, I sure don't want this thread to go down the roads of personal implication on off topic stuff. I'll stop posting here. I think I made my point. If you want to talk some more about that Necros, please feel free to U2U me. I will answer.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by SpookyVince
Another unanswered question??? come back Vertu and tell us...

As I posted before, I'm purposely not answering to questions I don't want to answer.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 04:49 PM
I'll make an exception to my own words...

Originally posted by SpookyVince
I'll stop posting here.

Originally posted by Vertu
(...) I'm purposely not answering to questions I don't want to answer.

Which makes me think that you:
a) don't have the answers, or are fooled in a way
b) have them but don't want the people to know, which is clearly not denying ignorance
c) have made up the whole stuff, which comes back to a)
d) have something to hide, in which case you just shouldn't have come forward with anything implying requests for more...

In every scenario, you seem to me like someone trapped inside his own scenario.

You said too much, or not enough.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by SpookyVince
Which makes me think that you:
a) don't have the answers, or are fooled in a way
b) have them but don't want the people to know, which is clearly not denying ignorance
c) have made up the whole stuff, which comes back to a)
d) have something to hide, in which case you just shouldn't have come forward with anything implying requests for more...

It's up to you, make your choice. Perhaps there is an (e) and an (f).

In every scenario, you seem to me like someone trapped inside his own scenario.

You said too much, or not enough.

Are you sure? What do you know?

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 10:01 AM
Allright Ill try this again.... I want to thank malice_devious for his most useful post on this subject at the moment. I will do a repeat of my 1st post on this subject and see if it is ignored or better followed this time around?

    I don´t need any help to find a main stream source of knowledge regarding the reptilians. I have allready tried that but all I got was baa baa answers to be honest.

    I don´t need any help from any organisations that belives they are in contact with Jesus or God or satan for that matter, I don´t need help from any self forfilled prophets or godesses, I don´t need any help from people who think they are children of some extraterrestrial know everything ocult group.

    I don´t need help from people that speaks with aliens through telepathic connections. I don´t need people using witchboards or seeing the devil or small demons running around in the ceiling at the moment. I don´t need any help from people with superegos. I don´t need any help from people who hears voices in their heads.

    I don´t need any help from doomsday prophets to know that this world is going to hell. I can see that on my TV everyday. I don´t need anyone to tell me that I am a secret C.I.A agent or Illuminate employee. That I allredy know that I`m not. The same - I don´t need anyone to tell me that I am a grey. That I know I`m not, I`m just a regular guy OK.

    What do I need? A normal conversation with some truth seekers that are not totaly blinded by any belief system . I`m looking for persons that can up-hold an normal conversation without leaving the subject on this thread. If you are critical towards the subject, speak out! whoever you may be as long as it has anything with these reptilians to do.

    You may speak about everything related to the reptilians in general if it is needed to understand why they may be around us. You can send me a U2U instead of posting on this thread if you don´t want to show yourself out here. The same rules goes for my U2U as for this thread, I will report to the moderators if it can´t be respected.

    Here is my questions - Who are they? (reptilians) and why are they running around in human shape? and why do they look this way on a perfectly normal photo? I don´t know the colour of their skinn, I don´t know their eye colour and I don´t know where the heck they came from. Do you? than please do tell.

A prologue from yesterdays answers

Why the photo is lost:
It would have been great to still have that photo. Problem was that me and my friend stood there as two question marks for about two days. And then - My friend was at work, the housebreaking incident togheter with a number of others housebreakings in the same block.

Why I haven´t returned to the "secret society" Odd Fellows for more photos?:
I am not the man for that kind of work to be honest, I don´t even think my friend would be that stupid to be honest. Those guys whatever beings they may have been didn´t want us sneaking around and taking photos of them, thats for sure, you see my friend didnt know how this situation would turn out, would you sneak back there if you were me? having a family and all?

Special Question: The three gentlemen look phony to me. Why would they all be dressed in the classic overcoat and large hats?

Answer: There was nothing strange with their clothes. That was the evenings dress code at that secret society meeting. IRL the picture was taken from 10 meters distance with a black and white film role from an ordinary camera. It was not supposed to be any filming of any people that evening but it went that way because my friend found the dress code so wierd and he started to shoot snap photos of the people he thougt was perfectly normal human beings, untill that one photo now stolen was revealed. This image is a painted portray of the three reptilian gentlemen, it´s what I could remember from the photo. But it is a zoomed in painting so please have an understanding for this. If you think this picture looked phony you should have seen my face when I looked at the real photo. But I`ll tell the artist what you said about the painting, if it makes you feel any better. I personly think she did a good job in an half hour lunch break work.

To all sceptical visitors?
1: Look I am not out here to convince anyone about anything.
2: If the thread doesn`t please you anyway, feel free to move along. I will not be spending my time on ATS fending off statements that doesn´t make any different what so ever IRL.
3: If you don´t like me as a person - Feel free to think whatever you want, but keep it for yourself because it`s not the subject on this thread. I can´t change my apperance like those three other guys this thread is partially about, I don´t do shapeshifting, sorry. Take me as I am or leave it be.

A note: Before posting reply, please read the whole first post, and if you don´t get it the first time, read it again. If not don´t even bother to post a reply it will not help this thread. I don´t have time to answer the same questions over and over again.

I would like everyone on this thread that thinks this thread is going good to visit the Post: Debunking and temporary missleading from a subject. That one you find at subject Board Questions & Business.

[size=12]Thanx for your participation on this thread



[edit on 30-5-2005 by Necros]

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 03:06 PM
Hello Necros!

Seems like you need some assistance, I know small stuff about the reptilians and I`m not sure where to start. First let me tell you that I believe your story, I had an reptilian encounter about 10 years ago, offcourse at that time I didn`t know anything about shapeshifting reptilians, I have never talked about it before on a forum or anywhere else for that mather.

I think I know why people don´t see them very often, Those who thinks that there are reptilians out there often expect to see them shapeshift fully in broad daylight and wave a huge tail around. These are not "Reptilians" in the way we think about them, these beings are outherwordly beings from some other frequency (or dimension if you prefer that word) they are "reptilian"-like but if someones expects them to look like upright walking iguanas they are going to be dissapointed for sure. They are very humanoid in apperance offcourse but the very essence of their charisma is so unearthly and non human that it would make anyones skinn crawl for sure.

I think most people who would witness a full shapeshifting would rubb their eyes and wonder what the hell is going on, the last thing anyone would think about in that instant would be "Oh hey thats one of those reptilians, yeah". They would rather think "What the hell is wrong with the lights in here?, or is it my eyes? Am I going crazy?" and than, just as fast as the event occured it´s gone again, and everybody looks like ordinary normal people again. I think a lot of people who has seen reptilians are not aware that it was a reptilian they saw, they forget about they incident very fast because it just doesn`t fit in anywhere, it´s a very alien experience, more alien than most people can imagine.

Your story is very interesting Necros, I understand perfectly well that you`re not keen on going back up there and snapp of some photos, I`d like to see anyone here do that after seeing the true colours of the reptilians
The middle fellow on the painting btw, was very striking, my hat is of for the artist

Now let´s get to the helpfull part, there are all sorts of books explaining the origin of the reptilians, some goes back to the early 50´s(!). From what I have read, and I have read a lot, the reptilians where here during the Lemuria-Mu and Atlantis period, somewhere about 9500 BC, I don`t think they are native to this planet. From what I have read I have come to the conclusion that they are either from Orion, Sirius or the Pleaides.

If you want some good tips on books or want to hear about my encounter you can throw me a U2U and I´ll send you a list

I don´t have any mentally disturbances, I don´t base my information on litttle voices in the head or angels or devils sitting on peoples shoulders, What I have learned I strictly know from books I have read and people I have talked to about this subject

Necros -Have a nice day
I wish you the best for the future


[edit on 31-5-2005 by Cactus]

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Necros
What do I need? A normal conversation with some truth seekers that are not totaly blinded by any belief system . I`m looking for persons that can up-hold an normal conversation without leaving the subject on this thread. If you are critical towards the subject, speak out! whoever you may be as long as it has anything with these reptilians to do.

Necros, when you start a thread about like this, you just have to be aware that ther is no such thing as a "normal conversation" about reptilians. If you are looking for "normal" people with knowledge about these kinds of things, then you are looking in the wrong place.

This is a conspirecy theory website, so 99.99% of any info you see (especially in the ALIEN/UFO Forum) is unprovable BUNK. Just be aware that there is no clear cut answer to questions relating to reptilians, or any other species of extra terrestrial beings for that matter. What you have to do is read the responses, process the info, and decide for yourself what you are willing to beleive or deny. But always remember the motto, "DENY IGNORANCE" and you'll be fine.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 04:16 PM
Catcus so there was one singel human being left on this ATS forum after all. *lol* I am just joking really! There is probably more people around this place but they are effectivly muzzled by other not so democratic voices. The list you were speaking about. Please send it on the Topic. Maybe more people will be able to answer or share their experiances with us?

I sent you an U2U message too - The same message as here really - But I did want to ensure myself that you recieved it allright.

mpeake - I have noticed this, well I have to do as you say really if I`m going to get any answers at all. I`m just not used to all this form of communication you see. There seems to be alot of airships floating around here, but on the same time, there is alot of good and sensible people. I have to appologize for my straight forward approach, I do understand that some people take me as I would be a bit to harsh. But I guess thats because they can´t see my face expression as I am writing here. Most of the time I`m just smiling you see. I am not an evil person really. I am just a common worker trying to stay sane in an insane world.

And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power hath decended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
Boondock Saint`s

Awsome movie by the way

Thanx Cactus and mpeake.


posted on May, 31 2005 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Necros

And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power hath decended forth from thy hand so our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
Boondock Saint`s

Awsome movie by the way

Now I know you are a stand up guy!

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 06:29 PM

Catcus so there was one singel human being left on this ATS forum after all. *lol* I am just joking really! There is probably more people around this place but they are effectivly muzzled by other not so democratic voices. The list you were speaking about. Please send it on the Topic. Maybe more people will be able to answer or share their experiances with us?


Sure, I have been looking through my personal little library and this is what I would suggest for research, I know there are more books aswell that could be useful but this is all I can come up with for the moment

R.A. Boulay - Flying serpents and dragons.

Mark Amaru Pinkham - The return of the serpents of wisdom.

Alan.F. Alford - Gods of the new millenium.

( I`m sure David Ickes books is of use too, I just haven´t got my hands on any of his books yet, but he seems sincere.)

Oh, and do let me know if you need some material like about Atlantis or Lemuria-Mu, I will happily provide more book titles if needed

And yes, It´s a GREAT movie!

"And when I vest my flashing sword and my hand takes hold in judgement I will take vengeance upon mine enemies and I will repay those who hase me O Lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me amoung thy saints ."


posted on May, 31 2005 @ 06:48 PM

Thank you guys.... Girls? Well I don´t know what... However this seems to be a great occasion to say something as... See you on the Flip side... or something

But hey I try to be serious really, I don´t want to get all worked up for this. I`m just trying to understand what the heck I did see on that picture and thats all really. I may have a hard time to get it through this thick head of mine but I am to curious (anxious to hear) about what I have witnessed.

I don´t want anyone to believe in what I have seen, I don´t want anyone to think that I am trying to convince anyone about these reptilians "existence" "That I don´t even myself know if I have seen". Only thing I know is that I was perfectly sober, didn´t take any drugs or medical medicines effecting my judgement in any way (I could not do that!). I was working graveyard shift at the time as an emergency care male nurse. Trying to save life and understand my patients.

Oboy.... It seems like I have alot of reading before me....

Dear Cactus and mpeake thanx for your understanding!


posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 06:25 AM
Upate on the pursuit of more knowledge about that crazy photo. At the moment I am reading David Ickes Children of the Matrix. I have found out that there seems to be alot of lost civilisations and dimensions that may have been excisting before all this we are living in today ever existed. I think it was some famous Nazi that sad - The bigger the lie the bigger chanse that more people will believe in it. SO I open my mind towards the fact that everything that I may see with my own eyes not always have to be the right picture. Just two updated cents from my point of view.


posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 01:41 PM
Okey now I have come a little bit further in to the book Children of the Matrix by author David Icke. Well.... Hmmm.... Yes.... I don´t know but is there something about the book that makes any sence? Allright. This man have seen the Matrix movies a bit to many times to start with I think. I have never liked the Matrix movies. I believe it is the style - The Retro-style in those movies that makes me want to go to the toilet more often then Im used to do when I am watching a movie. *lol*

This David Icke seemed for starters to be a very interesting guy. Well.... Hmmm.... Yes. But there is alot of things that make me feel even more confused then I was when I first started to look after answers regarding this stolen Photo. I think I give it a break or as they say I call this one over. It is to much religion in all the explanations I have been given, with all respect towards all religious people. I begin to think that the stolen photo was not faultless, and I think that maybe the photo even if I looked at it in broad daylight can have been something of a cerbral ghost out of two individuals imagination or something. I have never liked collective thinking sorry, I have always spoken out for Individual thinking, and I think that this is why I have a hard time with this author in general.

I don´t know anything about that photo anymore if someone askes me. *lol* "It has never excisted as far as I`m concern". Nothing to get all worked up for. Thanx for your understanding all, and thanx for trying to help me out and all.


posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 02:29 PM
They are probably the most controversial of all reported alien races, this is mainly because of David Icke and his outlandish “theories” or what would be better described as interesting science fiction concepts. When reading his “work” one must remember that little to none of his work has any actual evidence or proof to back up the claims he makes.

The reptilians have quite a few aliases but most commonly they are known as Dracos, Draconians, reptoids, lizard men, lizard people and names following the lizard or serpent theme. Their origin is rumored to be the Alpha Draconi star system of the Orion Constellation. Or in some theories they come from the center of the Earth.

There are so many different descriptions of these aliens so it’s hard to get a definitive idea of what they might look like (if they exist). These, like the Greys have sub-races. Some resemble dragons. One theory suggests that the reptilians are actually the Grey’s parent race and genetically engineered the Greys as a slave race.

Usually Reptilians are about five to nine feet tall have scaly, greenish, brownish, bluish skin tone. Some have tails, while others don’t. They are quite muscular creatures with strong bodies. Usually they have three fingers and a thumb, but sometimes they have claws. Their eyes are often black with vertical slit pupils.

This all slightly contradicts what many believers in the creature say, they say that they are shape shifters. Of course they may mean that the reptile is their true or natural form but it’s hard to say as there are more reptilian theories than I dare count.

David Icke is one of the main authors on these creatures, which, I guess makes him an expert in the same way that Gene Rodenberry (creator of Star Trek) is an expert on Klingons. David Icke thinks they are here posing as key political figures and other world leaders (shape shifters) to take over the world, they are part of a secret society called the Illuminati. Aside from this “theory” there are many, but this is the most prominent, probably because David Icke keeps shouting about it.

Some people say that the reptilians are the parent race of the Greys and have been using the Greys as slaves and now the reptilians are coming to collect the Greys that run astray and escaped enslavement.

[edit on 16-6-2005 by shorty]

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 02:38 PM
love neutralizes reptilians

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by DMK25
love neutralizes reptilians

It also lifts us up where we belong.

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