posted on May, 30 2005 @ 04:32 AM
Generally speaking when you hit the pegs on an old analog dial phone or the off button on a digital phone, you break the circuit and there is no power
to the microphone. Also the line is broken when you hang up, if it were not you would continue to be connected to the last call you made indefinitely,
same as if you had left the phone off the hook.
Supposedly the new car phones do transmit some information back to the digital system they are connected to, but what type of information I cannot
tell you for certain. I know of one personal experience where the local sheriff’s office was using a person’s cell phone to tell the general area
that person was in, but they could not get his exact location. But since the cell phone remains connected to whatever the closest cell site is, they
could tell roughly where that person was hiding, then just watched that area until the person gave up.