posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 10:47 PM
Originally posted by mercury19
Are you talking about Laetrile????Thare has been numerous studies about that over the years and it's been on the news.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am. And I still wonder why, since it has been well known about, and as you say on the news, are the Pharmaceutical
Companies, the Medical Community and the FDA so powerful and full of greed, that they cannot seem to allow themselves to back off in a very important
area, if it means less research and grant money for them, and allowing for an alternative means to cure a deadly disease? Sure, I'm sure it's no
miricle, but is chemo? or radiation? It makes no sense to me.... no, I take that back, of course it does: Greed, control, politics, greed.....
You're absolutely right, it has been well publicized over the years, so why, instead of efforts being made to perfect it, are instead efforts being
made to ban and discredit it?
Again, greed, politics, and greed!
//ed for spelling//
[edit on 6/1/2005 by CyberKat]