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Whites not allowed to attend a race relations workshop

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posted on May, 28 2005 @ 08:26 PM
Is the Negro College Fund sponsoring this !!

It's a shame that we are still dealing with biggetry in thi great nation of ours. But then again I have watched Jerry Springer enough times to see the the american peoples thoughts.

Well at least in Alabama !

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 01:33 AM

African-American men have greater than a 1 in 4 chance of going to prison (compared to 1 in 23 for a white man)

From Lifetime Likelihood of Going to State or Federal Prison. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1997.


Black college men end up just a few dollars ahead of whites who went no further than high school.

45% of black children live below the poverty line, compared with 16% of white youngsters.

From 1939 to 1959, the earnings of black men relative to whites improved by over one third. However, from 1972 to 1992, the relative earnings of black men tapered off---and this was the period of affirmative action.

Black unemployment rates, for as long as records have been kept, have been at least double those experienced by whites.


Black professors hold less than 5% of faculty positions. Less than 5% of the K-12 teaching force is black. About 85% of this group is centered in urban areas.

Of all the doctoral degrees awarded in 1990, just 3.5% went to black men and women.

The attrition rate of black university students at many prestigious universities is greater than 60%.

Most NCAA universities refuse to release attrition rate for athletes. An NCAA study showed that nearly 75% of Division I black athletes failed to graduate.

While black students represent 16 % of all public school students, they make up nearly 40% of those classed as learning disabled.

There are more black men in jail than in college.

From "Two Nations" by Andrew Hacker

any of my caucasion brothers or sisters still feel like it's a level playing field? believe it or not, there are valid reasons for a lot of the programs some of you are bitching about in this thread. like it or not, racism is alive and well in the USA.

Brutal Attack On Black Man Draws Short Sentences In Texas
POSTED: 11:31 am CDT May 13, 2005
UPDATED: 11:54 am CDT May 13, 2005

LINDEN, Texas -- The small East Texas town of Linden has learned the sentences for three of four young men who were convicted in a brutal attack against a mentally disabled black man during a party in 2003.

The victim, Billy Johnson, 44, was beaten to the point of suffering a brain injury and he was left on top of a fire-ant mound.

The four men charged in the crime are white and could have faced sentences of 10 years in prison, but were expected to get probation or brief jail time after their juries rejected the most serious charges.

Christopher Colt Amox, 20, and Dallas Stone, 19, were both sentenced to 30 days in jail for the crime. Amox also was fined $4,000 and sentenced to two years' probation. Stone received a $2,000 fine and five years' probation.

James Cory Hicks, 26, was sentenced to 60 days in jail and 10 years' probation.

you know if it were 4 black guys who attacked a mentally disabled white man and left him to rot on the top of an ant hill, they'd be in jail for a lot longer than 30 days.

[edit on 29-5-2005 by enomus]

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 05:22 AM
i do agree with this, im a student in a 6th Form in liverpool, and since it has capital of culture, it hardly has minorities anymore, because blacks, caucasians, asians chinese and others all live mixed with eachother. this is why i couldn't be racist because they're just people i live with and talk to everyday. However, in the school, there are fights with the lower years all of the time, now a coloured boy had a fight with a white kid the other day, because he was calling him a "cracker" and other various names.. u know, typical white racist things. the head was informed of all this, and nothing happened about it. they both got verbal warnings and that was it. however, a white kid was fighting with an asian kid a few weeks back, because the asian kid threw his bag on the roof
and that was instantly classed as a racist attack and the white kid has been permanently excluded. and can't go back to mainstream schooling. anyone got an opinion on that??? speaks for itself really doesn't it?

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 07:54 AM
That sucks. Everything seemed to be fine, at your collage until self richest hypocrisy was aloud to rear it ugly head. For the most part people seemed be co-egesting,

[edit on C:Sunocu05e5 by Opus]

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 04:33 AM
Being from Toronto I was shocked when I found out that the crime of that kid that was stabbed wasn't being delt with as a hate crime. Even more shocked when there were the signs on the street clearly as the news person was doing the follwo up story the next say saying "Die white bitches" and "Black power" right behind her.

Very sad.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by enomus

if blacks were better represented in white mainstream society, they wouldn't need a black miss america, a black rodeo or a black music awards show. most black people who created and support such events do so because they were tired of waiting around for white mainstream society to include them.

Where the hell have you been? For the past 30 years, I have seen mainstream america flooded with black entertainment, black athletes, black culture. The lefties are living in the past, in the 40's and 50's. They act as if we are still in Birmingham, Alabama 40 years ago.

Blacks have more than been represented in mainstream America. They are but 12% of the population. There are more hispanics in this country than blacks. How much representation to they get?

And a race relations confrence.....what a lie. How can you discuss race relations with only one race present? Is it to discuss how to further isolate and segregate races? Why is it the blacks of today are trying to re-segregate themselves, something their grandparents fought, and sometimes died, to end?

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Passer By
Being from Toronto I was shocked when I found out that the crime of that kid that was stabbed wasn't being delt with as a hate crime. Even more shocked when there were the signs on the street clearly as the news person was doing the follwo up story the next say saying "Die white bitches" and "Black power" right behind her.

Very sad.

we have some of the same thoughts happening in toronto, but you just don't see it spraypainted everywhere. go hang out at duffrin mall and you will see some of that hatred displayed by some people. i will admit that i see that paticular attitude more when i am in the states however.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by drogo

Originally posted by Passer By
Being from Toronto I was shocked when I found out that the crime of that kid that was stabbed wasn't being delt with as a hate crime. Even more shocked when there were the signs on the street clearly as the news person was doing the follwo up story the next say saying "Die white bitches" and "Black power" right behind her.

Very sad.

we have some of the same thoughts happening in toronto, but you just don't see it spraypainted everywhere. go hang out at duffrin mall and you will see some of that hatred displayed by some people. i will admit that i see that paticular attitude more when i am in the states however.

That is really sad. I have hung around most if not all the Ontario Housing projects and most people leave me alone. I have such little use for racists although I admitt I like mentally bashing them. The problem is that it doesn't do any good. If there was a way of planting the seed and let them grow it, but when the only influence the individual gets is more of the same racial tripe, it is pointless. As if the seeds were thrown within the thorns.

I am a firm beleiver that I am a spiritual being having a physical experience, so the notion of disliking someone based on colour of skin makes as much sense to me as disliking someone because of the types of clothes they wear.

Whites, Blacks, Browns, Yellows, Red's, Green's, Grey's, all of them are the spectrum of life and all equally devine to me.

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