posted on May, 27 2005 @ 02:18 AM
One of the great things about the NWO forum is that its got an active and interested Forum Subject Matter Expert (FSME), Infinite. He put together a
bunch of posts that coallate and condense a lot of information about the NWO.
Forum Guide: New World Order
ATS threads on NWO and
Threads 2 serve as indexes.
Top Sites for NWO information
This last one is especially useful, because there are sooooo many pages out there about the NWO and books and everything, that its really too much to
'get' all at once, and a lot of it is of varying quality.
But, very breifly, as far as I understand it, the NWO is, minimally, a One World Governement, and usually quite centralized. It, sensibly, is usually
thought of as having a Global Currency. Depending on who you talk to, it also has a One World Religion, sometimes a new one, sometimes an old one.
And also depending on who you talk to, its a Socialist Totalitarian Global State, one that violently works against nations and destroys the idea of
nationality and nations, or its a Planetwide Fascist Dictatorship. Most often the NWO is a 'bad idea', ie, the people talking about it are very
much opposed to it, and see it as evil, sinister, and quite often ungoldly (or the wrong god, or flat out satanic). However, others have presented it
as a 'good' thing. Apparently HG Wells used teh term to describe a future socialist utopia.
And of course, many peopel have spoken about a 'new world order', but for the most part they are probably not talking about a collective,
centralized one world government, but rather a system of alliances and geo-poltical realities.