posted on May, 27 2005 @ 01:27 AM
XP, the referendum involves all of Europe, its a big step torwards forming an over-european government and political entity. Its got a lot more to do
with than just the cheese eating surrender monkeys.
Think of it as being when the colonies in the america were trying to get their governments to ratify the Articles of Confederation. This is like New
York or Virginia voting 'no'. Heck, its worse, becuase if a single country votes 'no' , then the whole thing fails to pass.
This is done to demonstrate that its not just about making a new state or something, but that its about all of europe moving ahead and moving
BTW, anyone intersted in teh Electoral College and the non-popular voting system in the US should look at this as an example. Why not have all of
Europe simply vote by plebiscite, 'yes or no' on the constitution? Becuase there's more to Europe than a mass of people, there are states with
their own organizational levels and that themselves represent their state-citizens.