posted on May, 26 2005 @ 04:21 PM
Alright, just out of sheer cynical boredom and comedy I've read Matrix of Power by Jordan Maxwell, Rule By Secrecy(actually the more impressive of
the NWO books) by Jim Marrs and yes I hate to admit this, Biggest secret by David Icke. I've also seen the documentary "World of Lies", had long
conversations with my conspiracy theorist friend, and played quite a number of conspiracy related video games. and Im familair with Fox' Chris Carter
For the record, yes; I do feel it's pretty clear there is an overall push toward bringing a one organized central government that is aided by
corrupt corporations(bechtel, halliburton, standard oil, etc) and bad policy that hurts people int he third world. But, it's not secret...its out
there in the open. That's what is so frightening about the real new world order, is that its not really secret, nor a conspriacy.
So for comedic sake, what is the overal "plot" of the popular New World Order? Just to make sure I have my facts straight...
Let's see, we got secret societies like the FreeMasons and (bavarian) Illuminati, OTO, Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn, Priory of Scion, and Knights
Templat/Knights of Malta pulling the strings somehow on global events.
You have the Federal Reserve, which was created privately in 1913 by
corporations and wealthy families. You have secret global entities like the Trilateral Commission, CFR, and Bildebergers to come up with all the
sinister plots, with Bush as a dummy president. You have wealthy familes and corporations helping both the Americans and the Nazi Govenment before and
during WW2. Ya got Prescott Bush involved with banking that financed Hitler's rise to power.
You have the control of the media(the Columbia Broadcasting Eye!), and the resources of the CIA(crackinto ghettos to fund contras, MKULtra, etc check)
The ability to replace regimes at will, or control 3rd worlds under corporate control(Bechtel privatizing Bolivia's water) We have corporations like
Disney pumping out mind control pro FreeMason movies like National Treasure, even tho they bankroll supposed expose's like Fahrenheit 9/11.
And somehow a family and banking insitutuon called the Rothchilds somehow plays into all of this through the lineage ages. And, if you want to think
more out there, aliens may figure somehow into this. all of this is smoke and mirrors, creating endless confusion and conflicts, etc all to produce a
unified new world order. *whew* Or maybe I'm missing something. Sadly so much of this is so speculative, itd take unbiased scholars to sort out fact
from fiction.
I remember when the "new world order" was a mainstream wrestling gimmick.
[edit on 26-5-2005 by 8bitagent]