posted on May, 26 2005 @ 02:01 PM
My Hope and my Prediction
My Hopes for Chaos. (What helps me sleep at night)
- A event like out of "Dawn of the Dead" would become reality. I would be one of the lucky survivors.
- A Super Flu like out of "The Stand" would happen, I would be in the .02% of the world wide survivors.
- "Deep Impact" would become reality, instead, they don't stop the meteor at all!
My Predictions
- US, China and Russia have a nuclear exchange. China invades Taiwan. US and allied forces send in huge forces to push them off the island. China
drops a nuke over the allied forces. US retalilates and the roaches party long into the night!
- Due to political instablity, the US has a second civil war. Liberals vs. Converstives. The Cultural War turns into a shooting war! I don't care
whom wins, as long as it is total CHAOS.
Last night Dream:
I dreamed I was possessed by a Bushido Warrior
Psychologically speaking, why I like chaos, I LOVE it because it is a forfeiture of responisbilities. No consequence for negative actions. Mayhem,
Malice, no leadership, no leaders, no followers, no authority, no rules, no laws.
Can someone help me? Any of you know of any PC games that allows total anarchy?