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New World Order (cards) also known as ‘The Kingdom of Antichrist’

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posted on May, 25 2005 @ 11:59 PM
Here are nine of 100 playing cards for a Game that was invented in 1995 by a Steve Jackson it is called INWO ‘Illuminati – New World Order’ also known as ‘The Kingdom of Antichrist’
Did Jackson just luck out when he designed the cards of the Trade Towers and the Pentagon being hit almost six years before it happened?

these cards because they significantly tell the story of the Illuminati to produce the wars, the panics, the epidemics needed to produce Antichrist. This game was in the beginning stages in 1990 and was finally published in 1995, becoming a best seller. As Steve Jackson says on his website: "In 1994, he reworked the old faithful Illuminati to jump on the trading-card bandwagon. INWO (Illuminati: New World Order) became the company's biggest hit yet, and its first million-dollar ship." In fact, the "INWO" won the 1995 Origins Award for Best Card Game.

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news.

To read more on the INWO game see link below

[edit on 26/5/2005 by Sauron]

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 11:38 AM
I'm really surprised no one has said a word about this yet. I found about about this game just recently too, and I was freaked out. I went on Ebay to find this cards, and sure enough, there is one person selling it. In fact, he's got a few left, complete in box and everything. I'm definitely going to buy it, not to play of course but to show others that prior knowledge of a 9/11 attack existed!

I mean, this could be considered hard proof, right?

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 01:30 PM
Here's the card list from the game:

American Autoduel Association
Anti-Nuclear Activists
Antiwar Activists
Big Media
Blank cards (3)
Blank Illuminati card
Boy Sprouts
Chinese Campaign Donors
Clone Arrangers
Comic Books
Computer Espionage
Congressional Wives
Convenience Stores
Copy Shops
Cycle Gangs
Deep Agent
Empty Vee
Evil Geniuses For a Better Tomorrow
Fast Food Chains
Federal Reserve
Fiendish Fluoridators
Flat Earthers
Fnord Motor Company
Fraternal Orders
Girlie Magazines
Goldfish Fanciers
Gun Lobby
Health Food Stores
Interference (2)
International Cocaine Smugglers
International Communist Conspiracy
Junk Mail
L-4 Society
Loan Sharks
Local Police Departments
Madison Avenue
Market Manipulation
Media Campaign
Moral Minority
Multinational Oil Companies
Murphy's Law
Nephews of God
New York
Nuclear Power Companies
Orbital Mind Control Lasers
Parent/Teacher Agglomeration
Phone Phreaks
Post Office
Professional Sports
Punk Rockers
Robot Sea Monsters
Science Fiction Fans
Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know
Semiconscious Liberation Army
Senate Investigating Committee
Slush Fund
Society for Creative Anarchism
South American Nazis
Swiss Bank Account
The Bavarian Illuminati
The Bermuda Triangle
The Discordian Society
The Gnomes of Zurich
The Mafia
The Men in Black
The Network
The Phone Company
The Servants of Cthulhu
The Society of Assassins
The UFOs
The United Nations
Tobacco & Liquor Companies
Triliberal Commission
TV Preachers
Underground Newspapers
Video Games
Whispering Campaign
White Collar Crime

...Nothing anyone with S.J.'s imagination couldn't have devised. The guy's legendary in this area. As you can see, even such secret groups as The Boy Scouts and Yuppies are included.

The posted "Twin Towers" card is misleading because clearly the card says "Terrorist Nuke" and we see that the picture is supposed to be showing some sort of explosion knocking over the top half of a skyscraper. Of course, that's not what a nuke would do, but the picture doesn't display the straight-down falling of 9/11 either. I think the picture for this card is symbolic and was just a good guess based on the fact that the towers were obvious targets for any 'terrorist'.

If you're looking for spooky pre-9/11 images, check out the episode of The Lone Gunman which aired in 2001 just months prior to 9/11. The one in which a plane is remotely flown toward the actual trade centers with the intent to sell arms and create war. That's more 'hard' evidence than this.

Seriously though, have you ever known or observed Collector Card Game people, particularly the level of obsession it takes to play these games and get good at them? It's the kind of pastime that appeals to people who have very detailed imaginations, otherwise, it's just a bunch of cards on a table.

In the case of this particular game, I'd say it's just an imaginative take on conspiracy theorists' collective theories.

Frankly, if you do actually believe in an NWO/banking conspiracy, I'd say this game is obviously more disinfo than anything else.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 01:58 PM
I see those "magic" card gamers, every time I go to perkins late at night. Most of the time thay just argue about the rules and call eachother idiots. And nothing pertaining to the lessons, or objective of the game is accomplised. Now I believe in the NWO just as much as the next person, but these cards are truly ridiculous. Like peeps said, the episode of the lone gunmen, is more mystifying than these cards, to the whole NWO plot.

What they have planned will no doubt surprise us all, or maybe we will just not notice until it is too late. And it is probably not on any deck of cards.

Appartently, here we go again...more people disturbing my quiet breakfast, with thier card games.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
If you're looking for spooky pre-9/11 images, check out the episode of The Lone Gunman which aired in 2001 just months prior to 9/11. The one in which a plane is remotely flown toward the actual trade centers with the intent to sell arms and create war. That's more 'hard' evidence than this.

Or even better, The Coup released an album called 'Party Music' months before the September 11th incident. This was the album cover:

Notice the precision of the entry points also. Talk about scary. They later changed their album cover.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Simulacra

Or even better, The Coup released an album called 'Party Music' months before the September 11th incident. This was the album cover:

Notice the precision of the entry points also. Talk about scary. They later changed their album cover.

Yeah kind of odd...

man these guys are ghetto. Check out the lyrics to one of thier songs, entitiled "5 Million Ways to Kill a CEO"

They made the murder scene before there was a coroner
I mighta been born here but I'm a foreigner
Spillin swigs for victims of pigs and Afeni's kid
Flip off the lid, who you [^1] pourin fo'?
You too could be a corporate green killer, bean spiller, uhh
"Gangster of Love" just like Steve Miller...

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 02:38 PM
Here again the signs of the times.

It doesn't appear that anything suprises me anymore when it comes to marketing a demographic for the almighty dollar.

So I'm sure that it won't be long till the teenagers and under start collecting these cause there cool !

What's the name of the company that manufactures these ? And who owns it ?

Bin Laddan Industries ?
UN Incorporated ?
Radical Musslims Movement ?
Terrorists in Tactical Training Education ?
Dameon Enterprises ?

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 06:56 PM

Appartently, here we go again...more people disturbing my quiet breakfast

It's a New World Breakfast spearheaded by the FreeWaffle Illumitoasty, Priory of Pancakes, and Knights Bacon!

And yeah, I totlaly remember this game. I was mor einto Cyberpunk 2020. They need to update this game, add Bilderburger, Denver International Airport, CIA/Drugs, TWA 800, Dulce NM, and more evil corporate globalization!

[edit on 29-5-2005 by 8bitagent]

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 10:29 PM

The Coup released an album called 'Party Music' months before the September 11th incident.

Good post. Has anybody researched that album cover more? I mean, if a person were to assume that these musicians (or their graphic artist?) had pre-knowledge of 9/11, one would have to ask, "Why them"? How do some fringe rappers get clued in on the biggest "Coup" of our time?

What you said about impact zones is interesting also. The picture could be a premonitory piece of art, though. If you believe in Remote Viewing, (there's a Ben Kingsley movie recently with RV in it. He tracks serial killers. Can't remember the name...) then you must accept that people can do art which is precognitive or prophetic in nature. Basically people can draw pictures of the future. Perhaps this album cover is an innocent example of that?

Personally, I'm 50/50 on it.

posted on May, 29 2005 @ 10:48 PM
People talk endlessly of pre 9/11 prophecies in art, music, media...

does anyone forget Islamic terrorists tried to blow up the WTC in 1993?
Gee, maybe thats where some of this stuff came from, as well as the 747 into the Pentagon being a major theme in a Tom Clancy novel way before 9/11.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 12:27 AM
I don't think it was any kind of hidden information. He just used ideas from history and fiction to make what sounds like a really cool game that I want to have now.

Rewriting History: can you say '1984' by Orwell?
Terrorist Nuke: 8bitagent is correct, the attack on the WTC in 1993 was almost certainly bin Laden. That is one reason there was a $1 Million dollar reward out for him BEFORE the 9/11 attacks.
Pentagon: Not much of a leap from blowing up a corporate building to a major government building. The fact the explosion is in the middle of the pentagon on the card is probably for artistic reasons, so you can still see enough of the building to recognize it.
Population Reduction: This idea has been around a very long time. Thomas Malthus, over 150 years ago, advocated population control, as one example.
Centre for Disease Control: Reminds me of the World Health Organization. It's also no stretch of the imagination to think of a biological weapon.
Epidemic: Again, see above; man-made disease was not an original idea in the 1990s.
Combined Disasters: Again, nothing original here.
Kill for Peace: Hmmm... how many pepole in war thought they were killing to bring peace?
Tape Runs Out: Again, nothing original.

Saying that Steve Jackson knew that the 9/11 attacks were coming is like saying that Jules Verne knew the moon landings were coming in a hundred years when he wrote From the Earth to the Moon in 1865.

On an off-note, that game looks interesting, though; I wonder if I can get a copy of it somewhere...

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 07:11 AM
where can i buy these cards? online anywhere

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by sexygeek
where can i buy these cards? online anywhere

online or try some comic book stores,
this has been covered before about the infamous NWO cards.

Or even better, The Coup released an album called 'Party Music' months before the September 11th incident

Yeah, i remember someone bringing this up before on ATS, its really interesting album cover, the entry points are nearly, if not, the same.

If you're looking for spooky pre-9/11 images, check out the episode of The Lone Gunman which aired in 2001 just months prior to 9/11. The one in which a plane is remotely flown toward the actual trade centers with the intent to sell arms and create war. That's more 'hard' evidence than this.

First i heard of this to be honest, i'll have to check this out

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 11:11 AM
Deja Vu all over again.... not to be an idiot, but have you used the search button? This topic has been discussed on here before. Either that or I have been on ATS for too long. Probably both.

posted on May, 30 2005 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by sexygeek
where can i buy these cards? online anywhere

online or try some comic book stores,
this has been covered before about the infamous NWO cards.

My favorite NWO card is the one with Hulk Hogan. Wtacha gonna do when the nWo wraps around you brotha?

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