posted on Aug, 6 2003 @ 02:40 PM
The WTC being hit I don't believe actually hurt our government in my opinion. It did hurt the people of this country, by killing those inside the
building obviously. Our government on the other hand actually seemed to escape just in the nick of time. In the confusion passing some new rules
enabling more control over it's people (Patriot Act). Not to mention all those with fat bank accounts and established within the gov. especially at
high levels seemed to secure their pocket books just in time, like usual. Plus it's not like the building was full of actual money that just turned
to ash, the fictional number we call our economy and the damage it did endure seems to really only hurt the common man, or working class while the
Gov. Officials, etc are fine as usual.
From a certain perspective it seems that the only thing hurting the Government is all the scandal that has come after the attack that links them to
some bit of an involvement with the attacks.
I don't deny the strain on the U.S. economy, yet I see the strain weighing on the little people only. Our Pres. got his oil and yet another notch in
his multi-million dollar oil conquest. Our Security Leaders got their new surveilance toys and security measures in place. The pipe lies are being
laid down and established by certain chosen companies (hint, hint). The Gov. made it out just fine, while the people now live in equal if not more
Terror, our soldiers are dying in the line of duty and are being spread everywhere and kept on duty for too long without justification, and the newly
liberated people of Iraq are still living in confusion with less help then promised and without much success in restructure of society. Not sure who
are the winners and losers in this one just yet?!?!?