posted on May, 24 2005 @ 07:30 AM
How many souls do exist?
Is it the same number that was in the Beginning or can the soul be created? If you create a soul, how do you know it possesses a consciousness?
It is not too complicated to create an AI system that would respond just like the alive one. Then when the "soul" is created, it is immediately
supplied with the AI system.
Isn't it more interesting to live in a world were so many live beings exist? Isn't it cool how their number is getting bigger and bigger? It can be,
there are only I and you, dear reader.
You are used to by things in the stores. You never saw how they are being made, where they are being made, you just saw something on the TV.
Indeed, how do They make those gears so precisely. You need a gear to use it as a mold for a gear.