posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 10:46 AM
I've read his books, he repeats alot of his information, but I like the thoughts he presents. Too many people laugh at him, so did others who thought
our world was FLAT, or not the Center of the Universe. He points out how the OLDER civilizations knew more about the universe than we today on the
planets. So he is like a UFO abductee trying to tell a world what he see's, belief runs the same for his tale about a 12th planet as those who listen
to abductee's.
If what he is telling is a truth then it goes against all that is taught and perhaps that is why some don't like his idea's. For me there are
things in this world that just don't add up, using some of his thoughts they could make sense with a 12th planet which comes by every 3600 years + or
- a few years bringing trouble with it's gravitation pull on us.