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HAARP, terrorism, and the next 3 days...

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posted on Aug, 14 2003 @ 09:01 PM
Er, make that 9 days???

Could this be related somehow?

posted on Aug, 14 2003 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
An idea just popped in my head, Im gonna have to create another post on this issue.

HAARP can effect emotions? Kinda makes me wonder.but the weather part is far more interesting.

Sorry I didnt get around to responding to this earlier.

Yes, we have posted numerous articles on this influence on ATS. Just do a search on HAARP, you'll find all kinds of juicy info for this.

posted on Aug, 14 2003 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by energy_wave
Er, make that 9 days???

Could this be related somehow?

Well, I never promised anything down to the date, or at least not well!!

Yes, I DO believe this is likely the first wave of the next attack... I think its the same one we were thinking of before, just held off a few days due to publicity...

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 12:05 AM
DR, have you heard any particular clatter as far as what can be expected with the next terrorist attack?

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 12:10 AM
Well, timing is obviously a matter of discussion right now, although I personally think it will be rather soon, if this is indeed the first wave hitting.

Whispers mentioned to more than one person that target areas included NYC, DC, Texas (as that was where Bush was), and London.

These are of course very legit and logical targets, so not sure that it really means much, but things are getting to look rather strange at the moment...

If you are asking for my personal suspicions for high risk target areas? In addition to the above,

Lafayette LA (huge natural gas pipeline)
Los Angeles

for the short list anyway

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 12:16 AM
Thanks for info, DR

My gf and I were talking about the blackout today. She is very anti-conspiracy ( I'm cracking her though ), but even she believes somethin' was fishy about today's blackout.

On televsion we heard a lot of mention about the group FEMA also, this can't be good if they're talking about FEMA.

I know it's wrong for people to live in fear, but people in larger cities are just sitting's silly, I really have no desire to be in any big cities. Being right between Milwaukee and Chicago, I guess I should be preparing for anything.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 12:26 AM

We are in the same boat! My wife is very anti-conspiracy as well, and that contributed heavily to my abscense from ATS for a while.

I would also agree that being out of the city right now would not be a bad idea. I have always been in favor of "country living" for some time. However, as I am part of an emergency HAZMAT/environmental reaction team, I do not have the option of leaving in the event of an emergency...

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 12:37 AM
That's when caller ID comes in handy

But to be serious, that's very noble of you. Helping fellow man can feel better than helping one's self.

posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by dragonrider

Originally posted by energy_wave
Er, make that 9 days???

Could this be related somehow?

Well, I never promised anything down to the date, or at least not well!!

Yes, I DO believe this is likely the first wave of the next attack... I think its the same one we were thinking of before, just held off a few days due to publicity...

I came across this on the 13th and posted it on another board...

OT: From: Dr. Byron Weeks
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 10:07 AM

EXPECT A MAJOR CATASTROPHIC EVENT either natural, or staged, or a combination of both, on or before Labor Day. The sinister Luciferians who are running everything and have advance information, will be in their bunker cities waiting it out. When they emerge from the black holes which they have been preparing and stocking for years in eager anticipation of the catastrophe that will catch unawares an ignorant and faithless people, LOOK OUT! Then begins the rapid institution of MARTIAL LAW, and the National ID cards and implanted chips in the right hand or forehead. This is the beginning of the Mark of the Beast government system and the implementation of the Illuminist plans for the destruction of freedom. Avoid the freeways and main roads. Those who try to escape to their preplanned hiding places, or to go across borders, will be facing road blocks and deadly force, with possible apprehension and being placed on helicopters and boxcars for transport to the killing abattoirs and cremation ovens. Expect epidemics and terrorism, blown briges, breaking dams, etc.

How to prepare? This will be difficult. Pray to God for guidance. Go inland for at least 300 miles from any coastlines before August 27... Or seek refuge in high mountain areas. Get out of the big cities. There will be earthquakes and tidal waves. If you live within 40 miles of a volcano, leave and head for a less volcanic area. Have food and water for at least a week. You may well need weapons for self defense. Sooner or later, Russia and China will start nuclear attacks upon the cities, taking advantage of chaos. Expect U.N. troops to miraculously appear in the midst of everything. THEY ARE ALREADY HERE. House to house searches for guns will begin early.

May God be with you all.

Dr. Byron Weeks

Also NESARA was suposed to announce something last night.

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