posted on May, 23 2005 @ 03:29 AM
there is a recent news submissin on a girl who can not eat wheat products, and the fact that the rcc will not accomadate her needs.
my question is simple. why does there seem to be an increase in differant types and severities in alergies?
we have all seen that penuts and penut products for example have been OUTLAWED in schools. why is this? i understand that there are children that are
deathly alergic to it. but why now?when i was in school, penut butter was amoung the most common foods eaten at lunch. now it can be considdered a
potential weapon? i have a friend who works in daycare for example. she has developed a habbit of comeing home on friday afternoons to eat copious
amounts of penuts and penut butter untill sunday afternoon. this is due to a policy in place that requires her to be penut free for at least 12 hours
before work. aparently just the residual effects of penuts on her breath could be enough to kill some kids. wtf?
how can this happen? is it just that kids just died in the past or has the situation become more crittical? in my understanding, the simple
explination is that for some reason the body decides that it dosn't like something, thus causeing an alergic reaction. as well the reaction can get
stronger the more the body is subjected to such stimulus.
we also see an increase in athsmatic people. again when i was in school ther was mabe one kid in say 200. i only knew of one person suffering from
that ailment untill just before high school. then i started to suffer from it myself. and i was the odd one out. this seemed to last untill i started
smokeing. in fact it seems that the only time i realy suffer anymore is when i have been without a cigarette for a while. this was rather painfully
realized when i was on a trip years ago where i was unable to smoke at all. then everytime i manage to quite for a day or two i become easily affected
again. now this makes no sence from what i have been taught about smokeing but seems to happen to me anyway. i participate in armored combat in which
i have been know to run arround for a couple hours at a time wearing well over 100lb of armer with no problem (and i do mean run). yet when i have not
been smokeing even running in just shorts for a few minutes will tend to bring on an attack. weird, but i degress.
i can fully apriciate that things like athsma are probably caused by all the polution in the air we breath. but why are other alergies becomeing
seemingly more commonplace and severe? i have often wondered if it may have something to do with all the innoculatins as well as antibiotics that are
used so much more now? could it be that we are causeing the problem through such meds? or could it be something i have heard whispered about for
several years that this is the result of more and more defects being passed down to our children? kinda like a photocopy of a photocopy, that is any
"mistake" gets passed along along with any more new "mistakes", that will then be passed down to their coppies, and so on ect. in other words the
breakdown of our dna, or imune systoms heredicaly.
there has to be something that contributes to this. alergies used to be fairly uncommon. oh people suffered from miner alergies, and a few even major
alergies. but it certainly wasn't the widespread problem that it apears to be today. so why is it happening?