This subject is not really releated to anything serious. I was just wondering if you or anyone you now swore that somebody looked like jesus or has
anyone ever refer to you as a jesus look alike as well, and what likness if any reported was used to compare with? Just wondering thought this would
be interesting to see what people say
I know a guy who was in a park who said he saw jesus and he walked accross a creek. Of course this guy was a pot-head, crank-head, drunk,
schizophrenic. but who knows maybe he did.
hehehe....I know a Jesus look-like. At least he looks like what the church thinks Jesus looked like.
The guy I know is huge- 6 foot something- and massive to match. Not sure if that an attribute of Jesus, but considering Jesus was a carpenter, I'd
assume he'd have a huge muscular frame.
Other than that, the guy I know has long flowing hair and a short beard. I guess that is all that is needed to qualify someone as a "Jesus look
This guy my parents know used to look like, and claim to be Jesus, he wore sandals, had a beard, long hair, the whole shebang. He was just a bit of a
Wacko though, a harmless self proclaimed "son of bob".
He has mellowed out now, and is content being a mortal being. He is also one of the funniest people i have known... i don't remember Jesus cracking
much jokes! lol!