posted on May, 24 2005 @ 08:52 AM
reply to DaTruth
myself, i more or less parallel the thoughts of Aether
also, its likely the link to wikipedias/Hypnagogia
is a close enough prognosis of the condition you describe.
After All....your mind-brain-body-spirit is a self-regulating thing.
There is a school of thought which understands & accepts
there is a process of 'cellular communication' at work in us.
Those supposed weird, eerie, episodes in your (our) life
are probably when we have 'quieted' ourselves from all the
work-a-day stimuli and survival-class responses needed to
navigate thru all the dangers of everyday living. I reckon
some persons are sensitive to, or have become attuned with
the deeper + subtle regions of consciousness. (cellular communication)?
Consider this, there are many (alien life forms) colonies of
bacteria living in just our gastro-intestinal system. If there
is a disturbance to their environment, chemical messengers
will alert our stomach or intestine cells...if unattended the
condition may worsten to stomache aches/acid/gas, diarreah
or, in extreme outcomes like tumors or cancers.
For the people who have shut-down or put in the 'mute' mode
their natural ability to 'listen' and for some to 'dialogue' with
a subtle level of cellular communication...there are ways to
reopen the pathways, Yoga, Rikki are 2 popular paths.
IMHO, those 'voices', are not just audio hallucinations or
problems to be medicated away, schizos' may well be the
forerunners of the anticipated 'evolutionary leap' of humanity