posted on May, 22 2005 @ 10:17 PM
It looks to me as though government is trying to redefine the term "corporate sabotage," towards employees, when in fact most all corporate sabotage
is one corporation against another. One might imagine corporate sabotage is for competitive advantages, for example one corporation simply cannot
compete against higher quality from another corporation so it destroys or takes it over. It is a fight for inferiority in products through superiority
in dirty tricks.
On another front consider how corporations such as the Carlyle Group take over distressed Defense contractors, when their government influence
suffocates these perfectly good companies. Then it takes over and suddenly through that influence you have the perfectly good company you already had
under new ownership.
Score another one for big business silence on its own activities and its announcement of problems from the "little people." So it's all Guliver's
Travels, if you will and redefining the language.
[edit on 22-5-2005 by SkipShipman]