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Foo Fighters And White Light Orbs

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posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by lost_shaman

Originally posted by BlindSkeptic

Originally posted by lost_shaman
I'm very familiar with Lightning! I'm not describing an electrical event.

Read the description of ball lightning and you will see that it is very similar to your experience. Ball Lightning does not look anything like normal lightning and is believed to be a sphere of plasma. It can appear for over a minute and moves around the sky erratically, suddenly dissapearing.

Plasma? as in hot gas . Hot gas expands it wouldn't concentrate, thats why you hear thunder after lightning strikes.

Instead of just denying whatever I say, why don't you read the description and see for yourself. I am not saying this is the definite answer, you just need to open your mind to the possibilites, instead of being set on these things being aliens, which is the most unlikely scenario.

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 02:35 AM
My experiance opened my mind alright just not in the way you want it to be. Its fine if you don't agree with me as to what I saw. It wasn't ball lightning.

Reading the articale you gave in the above link, we find this...

More and more scientists are beginning to accept the existence of ball lightning as a true electrical phenomenon. In fact, scientists at the Edinburgh University Department of Meteorology had their own brush with ball lightning when one morning, after a storm, they arrived at their offices and found a two and one half inch round hole, with smooth edges, in the window. Since the glass was fused, it is believed it was melted away by the passage of ball lightning.

Really ? So they assume ball lightning ? Why? This makes no sense to me.

Ball lightning lasts only a couple of seconds, or up to a minute, then it disappears by either exploding or dissipating. Exactly what it is is still unknown, but some scientists believe it is a sphere of plasma. Plasma is the fourth state of matter besides, liquid, solid and gas. It is hot, electrically charged and fluid-like. While it exists in abundance in the universe inside stars it is usually not found on Earth except at the heart of a nuclear explosion. How it might exist as a free-floating bubble under normal conditions is unknown.

Need I say more?

This can not explain what I witnessed.

If my options are between two "unknowns" , then I'll stick with the one I have the most evidence for, not the least.

[edit on 23-6-2005 by lost_shaman]

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 08:07 PM
Ball lightning? Sure, why not. Call it anything you like, but you wont change what they really are. Sticks and stones LOL

I know what I saw and no secret society member (Initiate) will I allow to put words in my mouth.

The word is spreading as to who is selling all this snake oil in the form of new age religion and UFO crap. And when you see the truth, they tell you its electrified swamp gas.


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