posted on May, 21 2005 @ 03:14 PM
Apparently Grackles, a kind of bird are attacking people in Houston, Texas. These large black birds are supposedly swooping from trees and such to
attack various people outside the County Administrative building. So far numerous people have gotten several nasty peckings across their necks, faces
and backs.
Hostile Grackles Attack People in Houston
HOUSTON (May 18) - Like a scene from the horror movie "The Birds," large black grackles are swooping down on downtown Houston and attacking
people's heads, hair and backs.
Authorities closed off a sidewalk after the aggressive birds, which can have 2-foot wingspans, flew out of magnolia trees Monday in front of the
County Administration Building.
"They were just going crazy," said constable Wilbert Jue, who works at the building. "They were attacking everybody that walked by."
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Wow, this is extremly odd. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, sort of like Birds. The article mentions that it may have had something to
due with them protecting their offspring. However I find this unlikely seing as I've never heard of birds doing this before. First the exploding
toads of Hamburg, now this. I wonder if these animals somehow sense something is coming. For some reason this reminds me of an anti-pigeon
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[edit on 5/21/2005 by cyberdude78]