posted on May, 22 2005 @ 05:13 AM
Originally posted by Rasputin13
Your spelling and grammar are horrific. If you can't spell at least somewhat correctly and use proper grammar
I do not think my spelling is horrific , but I can agree that I do not use proper grammar.
I am from Norway , mabye that explains why you think my english is mostly horrific ^_^
I notice that I had written a lot of wrong in the sketch but there was no way I could edit it without making it look bad.This sketch took me about 5
min to draw and write all of my thought around this.
I am 16 years old and of course I put effort into school but sadly I do not attend to any school at the moment , but I have made it in to an school
that I will begin attending to in august.
I would like if you (``Resputin13`` ) could take a look at my reply and perhaps might reconsider that my spelling is horrific.
All there is for me now to say is : Thank you all for showing an interest to what I had to say
I would like to show you all two drawings that I have made just to show you that I can draw :