posted on May, 21 2005 @ 01:57 AM
What is the real agenda behind bailing out despot countries which leads to the betrayal of Africa's poor and helpless by rich nations? Can anyone
answer this question?
Gordon Browns’ fixation with wiping out the debt of despot regimes in Africa should be examined vociferously by every British taxpayer. . For that
matter by the global community at large.
I can’t work out whether Brown is stupid, inept, as bent as those he is propping up or whether there is a more sinister motive. To be fair, the
British Government isn’t the only government that makes such gestures just the target of my diatribe today.
King Mswati of Swaziland a tyrant if ever there was one (who has had his hand out on a regular basis) has recently spent over half a million pounds of
debt relieving funds money provided by the hard working over taxed workers of the UK. You wouldn’t mind and indeed I expect you trust that the
money was spent on improving the lot of Mswati’s people who are in desperate need of rudimentary healthcare plus fresh water and food. This
isn’t a lot to ask for. The King however had more pressing needs spending your money on buying top of the range BMW’s for his 11 wives. Perhaps
his wives will use the BMW’s to drive the sick and dying to hospital and to deliver water and food parcels to the poor.
Cheque at the ready, Gordon Brown extended the hand of friendship (most recently) to Uganda. What a pinnacle of global fiscal responsibility. Of
course it would be just a coincidence that Brown’s 20million pound payment to Uganda to wipe out their debt (funded by the British tax payer) was
closely followed by the Presidents purchase of a personal executive jet, which you guessed it cost 20million pounds. So much for his concern for his
There has to be an inquiry into the practice of handing millions of pounds/dollars to tyrants who have the most abysmal record when it comes to human
rights. Who are known for their disgustingly lavish lifestyles and the mass destruction of the lives of millions of children from starvation and for
the wont of basic needs.
Makes you wonder what the real game is doesn’t it?