NEXT CONFERENCE AUGUST 8, 9, 10, 11 AND 12, 2003
This year�s conference will be called STARGATE INTELLIGENCE. The reason we are dealing with Stargates is because of the Harmonic Concordance
scheduled for November 8, 2003. This is when all the stargates will be lined up and once again, if 144,000 greet the dawn in peace and love, the
planet will move into a higher dimension. Next year we plan to hold our conference on August 8, 9 and 10. The reason for changing the date is that
August 12, 1943, is when the Philadelphia Experiment took place. I feel that if we have our conference on the 8th, 9th, and 10, and workshops on the
11th, then we can spend the 12th working on sealing the timeline that was ripped open during the Montauk and Philadelphia Experiments.
What I have learned is that the Montauk base under Long Island, and HAARP were used to take down the World Trade Center. The idea was to force
fear into the grid. Terrorized on all sides by a faceless enemy, the Dark Lords are amplifying the frequency of fear for their own agenda of slavery
and control to keep us from evolving and ascending, because FEAR, not HATE, is the opposite of LOVE. Art Jackson, Starr Fuentes� husband, has offered
to come and take us through a firewalk on August 12, so that we can overcome this fear and help to seal the doorways of the ripped time-space
continuum that was created by Montauk.
What is the Harmonic Concordance? The ancient people, the Mayan calendar, Native American elders, all seem to have recorded this date in time.
According to the elders, all the Stargates will be lined up and activated on the planet in the coming event known as the Harmonic Concordance. With
the help of Barbara Hand Clow and her Bear Publishing Company, Jose Arguilles published a book in 1985 all about the Harmonic Convergence. Arguilles
found a prophecy in the Mayan codexes that if 144,000 people could come together on August 17, 18 and 19 of 1987, and greet the dawn in peace,
harmony, prayer, meditation and love, that ALL of the dire predictions of mass death and destruction in the coming age could be pulled down by a
factor of ten. Millions around the world heard the call and graciously responded. Our goal is, once again, to get 144,000 to greet the dawn in peace,
brotherhood and harmony on Nov. 8th, 9th and 10th with the grand finale being the 11/11/2003 Stargate activation. First of all we need to understand
In the middle of August, the Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire became a church that can now ordain ministers. We are learning how to use the Holy
Grail vortex. We have a telephone tree that was activated and has been used several times to deactivate nuclear weapons and to reduce the intensity of
hurricanes like Lily. It was no accident that we were able to stop the tornado during the last conference. This is proof that we need to understand
how to activate the stargates when they line up. For years we have been working together as a group to heal the planet and the grid and to advance
humanity into higher consciousness. We have a system of pyramids and obelisks set up so that we can work with the Harmonic Concordance of the opening
of the stargates and bring the planet to total peace. Each and everyone of us that has attended the conference in the past is being called to attend
night school and learn how to activate themselves to create a peaceful planet. We must allow the phoenix of consciousness to be activated through the
stargates and bring in a higher frequency and dimensional field. This is a notice. I would advise those of you who have computers to start looking up
information about the Harmonic Concordance.
Strange things are happening all over the world. The Dark Lords are building a high wall around the pyramid at Giza so that they can use this
antenna system for their own dark purposes. I believe that they are preparing it for a HAARP device. When I went to Hawaii, I learned that the crater
on Maui is being used as a possible HAARP device. We have to realize that the Dark Lords are preparing for the Harmonic Concordance. This is a plantet
of Free will. We must prepare also.
[Edited on 4-8-2003 by fortean]