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Gay relationships are based on love not lust ?

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posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 09:26 AM
Hi - sorry Tassadar but i saw this as one of your posts and thought i'd write a response if thats ok....
You stated that :

However, gay relationships are based on lust, not love. How can lust ever spawn love? If more people were gay, the progression of society would come to a standstill. Lust for all, love for none...? Is it worth it?

1) To base who you are going to have a relationship with purely on their gender i would say is more lust/attraction related than to not see sex as a restriction to love.
2) I have to say that assumptions such as this and prejudices are what bring the progression of society to a standstill.
3).I am bisexual - i have felt love for people of both sexes.And from my own experience there is no difference at all, i love the person and therefore the gender is irrelevant. I find that lust tends to form out of love.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 09:43 AM
One can be sayed for the other....
The two co-exist, and have always co-existed....

"There is Love at first sight...."
"There is Lust at first sight...."

I don't think it matters if it pertains homosexual's or hetrosexual' holds true for all.


posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 10:08 AM
What is this gibberish? Presumably homosexuals have as diverse a range of motives for "relationships" (whatever they might be) as heterosexuals -merely a different range.
I imagine homosexuls know - and I rather suspect heterosexuals couldn't give a monkeys unless their heads aren't right.
Have we no more pressing matters to occupy us than what others do at bedtime?
A new waste-bandwidth low even for Chit Chat.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Estragon
What is this gibberish? Presumably homosexuals have as diverse a range of motives for "relationships" (whatever they might be) as heterosexuals -merely a different range.
I imagine homosexuls know - and I rather suspect heterosexuals couldn't give a monkeys unless their heads aren't right.
Have we no more pressing matters to occupy us than what others do at bedtime?
A new waste-bandwidth low even for Chit Chat.

You mods need to take a step back and let us members decide what is worthy to post and what isn't. Just because you have a certain opinion on a subject does not mean that it's useless to other people. My belief is this is a fantastic post. Especially given the fact that gay male relationships has a" target="_blank" class="postlink">90-98% cheat rate.
This is not the only source of my info, a report read on WLS newstalk 890 AM, in Chicago stated the exact same thing. Except they also stated that gay females cheat rate was a mere 2-8%. Simply put, Tassadar, you are correct. The gay community is trying to reach mainstream to become more normal and they are winning. Yet another way to add the decay of western society.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 01:09 PM
I'm pretty sure all people can distinguish love from lust when they need to, lust is wanting the person sexually, love is.. well...loving them.

A little bit of both is always good.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 03:58 PM
Well, for the lust not love, how can you prove this? You can't for there is nothing to prove, for the lust not love is bull. It is like saying all blacks have 80 kids or all mexicans in the US are illegal aliens or all asians eat rice with chop sticks. It is prejudice, ignorance, and down right stupidity.

Ok, fine, I think all people named Tassadar are people who lust for monkeys and dingos. No proof, but since I said so, it must be true.

Then with lust, how many guys lust for Pamela Anderson or Briteny Spears? Well? They straight, so according to Tassadar, it isn't lust. Now if it was a girl lusting for Briteny Spears or Pamela Anderson, then of course it is lust, she a lesbian. Sorry Tassadar, being a bigot doesn't go well with people nowadays.

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