posted on May, 20 2005 @ 11:39 PM
Hi Lysergic,
I recognize this issue from your previous thread, and if I remember correctly, you turned of XP cycling because it was randomly rebooting.
So the good news is that you did the right thing, and the stop error is the information needed to troubleshoot what was causing it to reboot. That
stop error code tells you a lot of information. (see links below for more info)
Now for some bad news.
While it is true that I am not to shabby at this sort of thing, I am having a wee bit of trouble locating the exact meaning of this particular error
One thing you could do to help us search is to post just a little more info. You provided the error number, but just under the number is a little
bit of text that helps identify the offending driver/hardware. In the below image, that text says bad_pool header. So if you could post what your
error says, it may help us.
So anyway, there is more good news. To get rid of the bluescreen error for the moment, just set it back to cycling setting again, until you locate
and eliminate the problem. Go ahead, I will wait.....
Now that you have put cycling back on, you can open the event viewer, and look for errors that occured just prior to the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD).
You can also search Microsofts knowledge base, and google for the stop error number. (I havent had any luck yet, but I did not have a lot of time to
I will also keep looking, and perhaps others here already have the answer!
To help us, follow Sauron first sentance.
Best of luck