posted on May, 20 2005 @ 05:09 PM
April 29, 2005 - Since my above phone conversations with Mr. Smolnik and Dr. Horst, the German media has been told that all the estimated thousand
exploded toads are missing their livers (but only a few have been examined). Further, the theory for the phenomenon now being discussed is that crows
are attacking the cane toads, plucking the livers out of the toads' backs between shoulders, causing the blood vessels and lungs to burst.
My question is this: if the back of the cane toad is where its very poisonous sac is positioned with toxin so lethal the cane toad can kill
crocodiles, how do crows suddenly know where to pluck out specifically the liver without poisoning themselves? So far, no dead crows have been
reported in either Germany or Denmark in association with the exploding toad phenomenon.
Anyone have any idea? This is getting more bizarre all the time.