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Couple reasons to not infiltrate roswell the way you are saying

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posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 01:41 AM
Before this whole "RC plane idea" (Which won't work) got started, some one thought of a stealth suit. Well, with modern technology, wouldn't it be possible to bug an employee's Uniform? Maybe not a wire tap, I'm not sure, but isn't their small recording camera's? Sure this would be hard to get a hold of...but it's a lot easier then acting like some kind of spy. 1) break into house 2) Plant bug in uniform 3) if it's a out at A51 or..Get the data in the week or so when they return home. I'm sure they probally have some screening process, but it's just a thought. Oh, and RC plane vs. M4A1 = What do you think will win? It doesn't take missiles to shoot a little plane down guys..

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:18 AM
I meant one missile, not an entire attack talon of F-16s engaging it in a dogfight.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:26 AM
We can all play the new ps2 game "Area51" and study the facility to know where the secret chambers are....

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:29 AM
And defeat the evil aliens scum in the process

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:35 AM

Originally posted by Majestic12
And defeat the evil aliens scum in the process

Yeah... i played it yesterday and i know now where the "secret" entrance is that comes out in the "secret" hallway from where you can enter the "secret" chambers where the "secret" experiments are being done on the "secret" aliens......
On a sidenote: you thing that the game is in any way endorsed by the goverment? just to "ridicoule" Area51?

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:41 AM
Since the game really isn't using the bases exact layout and showing every military experiment going on in there I suppose the government doesn't really care.

By the way how much was it and when did it come out

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:44 AM
i think its out for a week now and i payed about 40 euro's for it.
got some really cool graphics and characters...

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:46 AM
I'm not generally a big participant here, and this isn't my area of expertise but I must ask a question.

Do you really think that if the facility in question is what you say is, you're going to be able to fly a remote control device over it?

Logic would dictate that the idea has been floated before and arrangements likely have been made to prevent it.

It's not terribly difficult to block wireless signals. Your plane would be uncontrollable, and if the camera device was wireless you would get nothing except the armed men who traced where the transmission of r/c device was coming from.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 02:52 AM
How about setting up a van where the controller is located of the RC plane and relay that signal to another location (another van down the road) and relay that signal to another van, etc, etc... Then is just waiting for the plane to be discovered and disconnect the signal...

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 04:09 AM
Once again I give you the simple thesis, Night vision + troop with an m4ai machine gun vs. a remote control plane being flown 50ft in the air over a base (Not they DO make a lot of noise incase we all forgot) It is IMPOSSIBLE..Bottom line. Anyways, how much would you really be able to identify with images generated from a plane? Sure, that building looks nice... -cough- I want to know what's inside, not what it looks like, there's several hills you can climb with a telescope to do that. The only way to know what happened, and what is happening would be to hear it, or walk in there with a tour guide.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 12:17 PM
OK so this soldier fitted with night vision can somehow see a plane that is colored black? also no one would even be lookin for this plane to begin with! The radar scans wouldnt get it (it would be covered in radar absorbing materials) and it would be quiet- so no soldier would be looking for it to be able to shoot it down. Also what you could do it land it on one of the roofs of the hangars and just have it videotape anything coming in and out of it for a week. Then after that you have it on a pre-set course (like have it automatically just go fully-power to the direction of north) find the most likely spot it will land, and then find it and recover the film.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 01:09 AM
okay, so let me get this straight, the plan at the moments stands at this: ONE rc plane (stealth no less!) fitted with a nightvision wireless camera, beaming back its signal to an unmanned van, which the retransmits the signal to another van. in this transmission are blurry nightvision images of buildings from 50ft away that are located at wait....area 51.....all for the grand prize of a thousand guys are on a winner here

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by horten229v3
True, with enough time and money i could probably build a little sucker that could do it. We should make like the A51 prize. Like the x-prize, the first person to get video of the facility (close up like 50 ft) gets reimbursed for thier time and effort and like a 1000 dollar prize.

$1,000 won't do it. It would be closer to $10,000 in equipment and you still haven't paid me for the risk. It would probably take a $100,000 purse to attract the right people.

Is it possible? You bet it is! Change out the remote controls with high power spread spectrum equipment running on a frequency band where they won't be looking (their own government aviation bands). Put in night vision cameras running on a low power spread spectrum live feed. Set up multiple vans to receive the live feeds.

First few attempts might not succeed. There would be a "learning curve" to find the right frequencies, color schemes, quiet motors, heat insulation, etc....

Much simpler to go hit the bars and find out where the techs and guards hang out.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 07:08 AM
About ailiens... Well, i think it's good news if there are aliens... But why to keep all the things secret in Are 51...?

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 10:30 AM
ALso everyone, once they hear RC plane thinks of a 1 ft wide plane- no it can fit in your hand- so a guard wont see it, and if he possibly did, it would be nearly impossible to shoot it. The RC plane idea is feasible except for one thing- it has to fly automated- upon realization that the base has been infliltrated, they would probably jam all frequencies and render the plane useless, so if somehow one could program it to land on a hangar and then after a set amount of days, leave- then you wuold have a perfect plan. (you could go in manually, but if they detected it its probable that they might jam the control frequencies)

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