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this is the JFK assassination/ my theary is called the 2nd suspect

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posted on May, 19 2005 @ 09:07 AM
This is my threary of may of happened. this theary can only works by a goverment hide-up.

CIA sniper on the top floor of the book depository building fired the fist shoot, missed the head and shoot through JFKs neck, the bullet tumbled and hit the the VP. the second shoot was fired at the grassy knoll which finised JFK. The CIA sniper knew what happened but didnt say anything because he failed. The SS (secret service) did not knew who really shoot the seconed time but to them it was the CIA sniper. they knew that they were going to frame Lee Harvy Oswald which they confronted 90 seconed later. (he was on the top story of the building which is no way he could of walk from the top to the bottom in less then 2 min.) the suspect 2 (grassy knoll shooter) got a way very easlly because the SS, CIA, Law enforcement knew who they were going to blame it on so suspect 2 got away. They held Oswald without a trial. which they knew they couldnt do that for long so the govnt hired a man to kill Oswald before he had a trial.

this is only a theary, dont have to believe me. i want to see your commets PLZ.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 12:09 PM
You really need to get your facts straight before you try to debate a point.

Presidnet Kennotoedy was with Governor John Connely when he was assaasinated. Vice-President LBJ was in Washington. There was no VP in the motor-cage.

By the way, the car Kennedy was in when he was assassinated was a lincoln, and the box seat that President Lincoln was assassinated in was the Kennedy box.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 01:48 PM
well sorry but i heard differ some one told me that it was VP.
ut what dose the car have to do with anything other then the FBI whiped the car clean when kennedy was in the "hospital".


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