posted on May, 19 2005 @ 10:01 AM
Once in a lifetime thing in Florida hurricanes are not. Since '95 in east central Florida I have experienced hurricane conditions from 4 different
storms: Erin in '95, Irene in '99, and Francis and Jeane last year, also we had near hurricane conditions in '99 when Floyd gave us a near miss. I
live on the barrier island and the only storm Ive evacuated for was Floyd and ironically the evacuation was a waste. Not to mention the countless
storms and depressions that have affected my area. And none of those storms were a direct hit which leads me to believe that my area is due for the
eye of the storm to pass over, something I have yet to experience.
While a lot of people think im crazy or just plain stupid to stay when a storm is approaching, I know what this area can take and feel safer here than
anywhere else, tornadoes from these system spin up everywhere so lets say I evacuate to the middle of the state and a tornado destroys the house or
hotel I'm staying at, what a pointless evacuation that would be. Now when a storm that has winds over 115mph and the potential for 10ft+ in storm
surge is heading my way I will be one of the first ones out. I know what my house and my neigborhood can handle. Last year when asked about evacuating
I would simply say I recomend leaving but im staying and aint skeered.
My advice to anyone who lives in Florida who panic durring our storms, do us all a favor and move somewhere else or at least relocate when the tropics
heat up. Hurricanes are a fact of life here in Florida and are the reason I studied meteorology.
PS edit: That storm is in the Pacific ocean, the odds of it even surving when it hits Central America is nil, and even if it does it will not bother
[edit on 19-5-2005 by jrod]