posted on May, 19 2005 @ 03:48 PM
Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
Look, there is a "force".
No, I'm not crazy and no it can't be used to shoot lightning, etc. The "force" in the movies is very similar to the idea of Ki or Chi in martial
arts. In fact the entire Jedi philosophy is very martial centered with much of it take from Bushido and the Samurai.
Its seems to be merely a psionic property in combination with an exertion of the animate will upon nature. It doesn't seem to actualy need to refer
to eastern mystic practices, tho the way yoda talks, like when he first starts explaining it to LS on Dagobah, might as well be a 'old shaolin'
The jedi tho, are not, strictly, monks/warrior monks. They're just warriors. They actually rather similiar to the Knights Templar, with their
secretive, mystical, esoteric knowledge.
But, again, and I think lucas readily states it, Star Wars and the Jedi are based in large part upon Doc Smith's series. And, tho they state its not,
the Green Lantern Corps are actually based on the same thing, except that the 'projection of the will' is represented by the green emmanations form
the Power Ring. Tho those emanantions are not force fields, they're actual extertions of the indiviuals will, their Force.
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