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brave new schools

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posted on May, 18 2005 @ 08:23 AM
The Article 8 Alliance" claims the state's schools have become more active in pushing homosexuality with students, pointing to an April 30 event at Brookline High School...[/]

Most of you are already 'educated'. You have already been taught that morality is relative , and so is truth.

Just as the Dr Kevorkian stuff was to soften us up for the terry shivo case, so too was the sex education teaching a mere warmup for loseing the morality.

This is a perfect example

If you dont see something wrong with them doing that, then you are already under their control

(mod edit to remove caps from title)

[edit on 25-5-2005 by pantha]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 11:34 AM
Seeing as gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts then I would certainly expect the attitude to homosexuality and gay sex to change in a positive way, which doesn't nessecarily mean that there is a push toward gay sex.

It seems to me, though, that handing out graphic booklets (graphic descriptions of fisting
), such as the one mentioned in the article, is going a little bit too far for a school event.

[edit on 18-5-2005 by parrhesia]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 03:57 PM
Thats just sick.

I believe that homosexuals deserve their rights, but I personally think it is wrong. Its their choice to be gay, and I shouldn't interfere with that, even if I think its wrong.

The book should have been promoting tolerance of gays, not encouraging homosexuality.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 04:18 PM
Handing out booklets with graphic details may not be the best "proactive" stance to take, but, I don't see where the problem would be if the book was a little less graphic. And honestly if you think that teenagers aren't aware of "fisting" then maybe you need to snoop around your child's room. These are high schoolers, most of what is in that book they are already aware of. Teaching acceptance isn't a bad thing. I never did understand why everyone was always so concerned what people did behind closed doors. If it isn't directly affecting your life, and if it isn't hurting anyone then why concern yourself with what they are doing?

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:43 PM
The problem was
Contrary to your belief , not everyone is aware of the detail of the graphics give out that day

It wasnt behind closed doors, it had invaded a school event where high schoolers and middle schoolers were at.
So although this particular case wasnt directly affecting me and my family, it did invade the public arena and affect others in the same situation.

It was just wrong. Not as wrong as handing out bibles at the same event, but still wrong.

This is why I said that some minds are already trained, desensitized to it. They take 'toleration' to an extreme beyond reason.
Its all preparing us for something.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 06:35 PM
this is another example of mind control. they start with the modt developed students (high schoolers) and work down. someone in the government wants the world to end by stopiing people from giving birth casue they gay. even if this not a mind control then it is still sick. you can not encourage people to be gay by showing them how to do it. plus what about the striaght people they never got a booklet.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:00 PM
I can't help but notice a bit of irony in this whole thing...while people are quick to complain about encoraging homosexuality, but even at this very moment popular media in America ( and in some respects the world ) openly promotes sexual promiscuity of a heterosexual fashion. Maybe before we decry promoting homosexuality we should make sure we arent giving in to the old phrase of "do as I say, not as I do". As for the graphic images, I honestly don't see how it could be any worse than the STD slides my HS health class was shown; full color images on an overhead showing the naughty bits of those infected with various disgusting STDs.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:49 PM
Congratulations. You have cracked the conspiracy.

A secret alliance of fashionable jean companies have been slowly and methodically converting our nation's youth to gays.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:59 PM
hey if people say nessy and bigfoot mated then my conspiracy theory is almsot believeable and i stand by it

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by jake1997
This is a perfect example

If you dont see something wrong with them doing that, then you are already under their control

Ya'know "Jake" can we be honest here? The really frustrating thing about this "stuff" is it just keeps coming and coming. It doesn't matter how many times level headed people shine light on Farah & Company either in bulk or item by item, you just make more. Then the vested minions donning sock puppets as well as the unwittingly duped spread your disease like an Internet plague here, there and everywhere. No shame, no accountability, barely even an utterance of defense when exposed, because you just make more. And it's always such a convoluted he said / she said of "exclusives" of what another blog said with no possible hope of outside validation (usually), frankly you do yourself a disservice. If one tenth of this stuff was ever real, nobody that had been on the Internet more than 10 minutes (or didn't just wanted to believe no matter what) would ever take it seriously.

An "exclusive" of what they said (an anti gay PAC) that responds to the "accused" saying Article 8 is lying with more conspiracy theories that (of all things) that denial proves it happened, oh and "our PAC was there and we saw it!"

Gays, organizers suddenly claiming that pornographic homosexual booklet wasn't at Brookline High School GLSEN conference Apr.30.

Strongly refuted by attendee who picked it up there (and Article 8 Alliance)!

"Of course the book was there! I picked mine up up on the Fenway Community Health Center table. There was a whole bunch of them on that table. It was the first table you got to after the registration table, when you went in."
Sally Turner, Carlisle, MA

"The people we saw each came home from the conference with a big bag of materials. And they all clearly had a copy of the book. It's ridiculous to claim that the book wasn't there.
Brian Camenker, Director, Article 8 Alliance

I mean if you're right, and this little network of anti-gay Christian bloggers you're either so enamored with or profiting from is correct, then Jesus, I don't know man. Clean it up. Look at them. It's a cartoon. This stuff makes Talon look like a real news service. I guess it a generational thing. I'm sure there's good money in sensationalism and unaccountable lies with lots of exclamation points, but ya'know real journalists retire or get fired when they goof up once. This just keeps going and going and getting more outrageous every day.

Ugh. I just hate the state of debate in this country. Blogs reporting blogs reporting blogs and using conspiracy logic as "proof." It's quite a nice scam since the "exclusive" nature can be pulled out the air and never verified one way or the other, but God are people this stupid? I guess they are.

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 06:17 AM

It kinda looks bad if you use John Kerry, one of the biggest liars ever known to america, as a standard to show that WorldNetDaily is wrong.
But that is coming from me, someone who voted Bush.

Might I suggest using some other standard? Anything that has the name John Kerry attached to it feels tainted anymore.

but getting back to topic. You have been dooped... duped...fooled...which ever is the right the left. Its part of that mind control training that makes truth relative and morals a self standardized thing.

Center Apologizes For Sex Booklet SNAFU

By Franci Richardson
Thursday, May 19, 2005 - Updated: 04:18 AM EST

The Fenway Community Health Center yesterday acknowledged its mistake in displaying a graphic safe-sex booklet for homosexuals at an event attended by middle- and high-schoolers at Brookline High.
``Fenway Community Health regrets accidentally making available.....

LOL Gotta love that language dont you? An accident?! LOLThey accidently found pornographic gay books and put them out on the table...

Go back to this link you provided and see who the liars really are.

Im not ragging you man...Im tryin to get you a little more toward the middle.

Recent allegations from the far right on the one year anniversary of same sex marriage about the 2005 GLSEN Boston Conference are categorically untrue

Boston, MA (May 17, 2005)

The Boston Chapter of the Gay, Lesbian, & Straight Education Network, GLSEN Boston, wants to assure everyone that there were no sexually explicit materials at the conference. GLSEN Boston has a written and strongly enforced policy that no sexually explicit materials will be available or conversations engaged at the conference by presenters, staff, or others affiliated with GLSEN Boston. Sexually explicit materials of any kind are not permitted at the conference and would be in violation of clearly stated policy.

"We assign monitors to every workshop and event to assure that all policies are strictly enforced. No such materials, from AAC or anyone else, were ever present at the GLSEN conference in Brookline," said Sean Haley, E.D. of GLSEN Boston. "The allegations are simply lies."

GLSEN Boston works to ensure that all young people have access to a safe learning environment regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Policy was enforced alright.

[edit on 19-5-2005 by jake1997]

posted on May, 19 2005 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by jake1997
Go back to this link you provided and see who the liars really are.

Im not ragging you man...Im tryin to get you a little more toward the middle.

The liars are still all the extremist involved. That's WorldNetDaily, Article8 and whatever individual put out booklets.

You don't see the disconnect I'm sure. But it's blazing. Somewhere between the "Bible Banned in School!!!" and "Dobson Opens Mouth!!! masters of disinformation that are BoiledNutDoily and it's "hard-core pornographic homosexual 'how-to' booklet given to hundreds of kids" and the actual outcome ultimately reported that "Fenway Community Health regrets accidentally making available a small number of copies of the 'Little Black Book,' an HIV prevention publication for gay and bisexual men over the age of 18, at an event where young people were present" is something close to reality.

And your authoritarian right wing "truth" (with it's blatent agenda) is no better than a left wing extremist imposing theirs.

I just look like a left wing radical from waaaaaaaaaaaaay over there Jake.

Like I said, if 10 percent of this stuff is true (as clearly some must be) you really, really do yourself a disservice. That would be the collective "you" of WND reporting this as 'Little Black Book' teaches kids 'gay' sex (with 'gay' always in quotes, no agenda there
) and your own opening post of "mind control" assertions (at least my avatar is joke).

Again, I turn the pertinent propaganda efforts and thought manipulation on you here. You said it perfectly the first time, you just didn't realize it!!!

Originally posted by jake1997

If you dont see something wrong with them doing that, then you are already under their control

Them being SoiledButtDaily of course.

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 07:24 AM

I just look like a left wing radical from waaaaaaaaaaaaay over there Jake

So you dont see any spin in the apology? That is the way your post sounds. It is I who am in the middle ground. Maybe you are normally there but got stuck with a bad situation.
You are right about one thing..I do see this as part of the overall control scheme, but I cant go into the rest without changing the topic.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 06:10 AM
Before this thread slides into oblivian, is it safe to consider wnd vindicated of all charges in the event of future news stories?

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by jake1997
Before this thread slides into oblivian, is it safe to consider wnd vindicated of all charges in the event of future news stories?

Um, no.
Not sure where'd you get that from this anyway. Not being completely wrong once is uh great and all, but really. :shk:

It is what it is. A clearing house for conservative opinion. That's as much "vindicated of all charges" as Mike Moore is the paragon of journalism for being half right, or is a "legitimate news service" because it says so.

Just my opinion, and I'm sure meaningless to you being that I'm part of the vast majority of people obviously brainwashed for not thinking just like you.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 03:44 PM

From what I could tell by browsing the boards so far, everyone who doesnt think like the person they are debating with is brainwashed.
Using Mike Moore instead of John Kerry as a standard to judge wnd by still is a bit off from fairness or truth.
I guess we will just have to wait until the next story.

Being right for once per thread has been a habit with me since I got here

Now if we could just get everyone to fess up!

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