posted on May, 18 2005 @ 01:32 AM
Thank you for your welcome.
You will find I am a bit of a sceptic, but don't take offence. The evidence of such things as alien reverse technology is too thin on the ground,
imo .
However, there are some conspiracies going on for years, like the current one GWB is part of over Oil and control.
I am a Star Trek fan,bitterly disappointed in the closure of Enterprise. I did suggest to the site, that HMS Enterprize, the sister ship to Endeavour
should feature in the opening graphics, whether or not humble me achieved that goal or just great minds think alike, I don't know. I thought that
Enterprize is on eof the better series.
Years ago, I reported UFO sightings from our local papers in Australia to a sight run by Glen Campbell in Las Vegas, since now just silent. Anyone
remember him? It was a case of different witnesses seeing different things.
So you will see me from time to time from Terra Australis Incognita.