posted on May, 20 2005 @ 09:18 AM
What I dont understand is why the hell the UN doesnt do something more agressive. It would go a long way to salvage their credibility. The Un could
set up medicine clinics to work hard to fnd a cure.
What sickens me is that drug companies in Europe and America spend billions developing questionable drugs for non life threatening disease, or push
these medications on the public making people believe they need them like anti depressants. How much better would their time and massive resources be
diverted into studying and trying to cure this virus.
I heard that in Angola, the life expectancy, because of AIDS, has been reduced to 33 years. The human race has not had such short life spans since the
stone age. Is that whats happening here in Africa? Disease is driving the people back into pre civilization?
Its not something that we should just throw money at. We need to forgive their debts, and instead of money send people and equipment over to cure
diseases, and teach people there how to do it.
Africa seems to have the ability to constantly produce deadly new auper viruses, and thus, would be the ideal location for the west to send their germ
experts to study and hopefully combat these diseases.
Africa has so much potential!