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Do you agree with this Theory?

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posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 04:49 PM
Last night I was watching " A brief History of time" on the science channel and Stephen Hawking mentioned that since the universe is expanding and time runs strait forward to us. If and when the universe stops expanding and starts to contract do you think that time will go backwards and we will die before we are born? Later in the show Stephen said he was wrong about that, but to me if the universe is like a balloon, the same air goes in and comes out. So what do you think?

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 04:53 PM
Not exactly. From our point of reference we are going front, from the other point of view we are going backwards. Iam not sure, if I am right!!

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 08:55 PM
surfup is generally getting the gist, i beleive its all about prespective, for example if the universe was contracting, if you were at the edge looking at earth with the biggest telescope conceivable it would indeed seem that life on earth were going in reverse, however if you were at earth looking at the edge of the universe looking at a planet with life, it would seem as if their life were being accelerated, this is due to the immense rate of contraction towards you!, you get it?, lol.

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 09:30 PM
in my humble opinion it does not contract but continually expands and creates openings in a membrane that we term worm holes allowing light and matter to expand beyound our universe thus perpetuating other universes akin to cellular division
microcosim=macrocosim=parallel universe=mass expansion=mass confusion
are you with me so far

tut tut

posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 09:48 PM
Of course, that is one of my theories too, the bubble theory!, i was just thinking up my own theory about the expanding and then contracting universe, in reality if the universe was created by the big bang, this would make it so that the universe would just continually expand, however i do beleive it will slow down, when the universe expands it puts tension on some areas of the space fabric, thus creating a wormhole and then bubble universe, actually i beleive the term universe should be multiverse.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 12:14 AM
absolutely incredible, must make a note,
someone who views the universe as I do

this is how the theory that gravity pushes is placed forth and ascribes the reality of dark matter which composes some say 90% of the universe

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 12:46 PM
its a good theory but it is flawed at the most basic of levels. Time does not exist, it is an invention of humanity, the passing of time has been used by humans to mark events in tere lives, nothing more nothing less.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 12:49 PM
My theories are not flawed, time is in fact a varible which should be kept constant, without the use of time certain calculations would be impossible, it is nessacary to create the rate of expansion and speed, to see if and when the universe would start to retract!

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 01:53 PM
I think you guys should go read the conversation Protector and I are having (it starts about half was down) about the universe and the aether and all kinds of good stuff.... but please, it you're going to respond, read everything we wrote and then make inteligent responses... Protector and I are actually trying to figure something out.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 02:16 PM

its a good theory but it is flawed at the most basic of levels. Time does not exist, it is an invention of humanity, the passing of time has been used by humans to mark events in tere lives, nothing more nothing less.

I am going to use the example Hawking's used. Or I hope I have this right.

When a cup falls off a table and breaks into pieces that is time happening. But do you ever see the cup pick its self up and jump back on the table. There we have time in motion

[Edited on 3-8-2003 by ModestMike]

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 03:52 PM
That is a very good example, I beleive there is time naturally, all that needed to be done is work it out. as all lifeforms would find this out. for example a planet spinning on its axis, this obviously has a scale of time to it! So everyone who says time is man made are wrong, time is natural, however has to be worked out.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 04:30 PM
I've seen the special on video tape. It was fairly interesting, but you guys are apparently not understanding the facts correctly.

For one, there is almost no chance of the universe contracting. We are actually expanding faster every moment.

Secondly, we are not a balloon shaped universe. Our universe is relatively flat, not round or saddle shaped. Because of this, we will not have a big freeze or a big crunch, but probably a completely different outcome. The Bubble Theory was proven wrong by Stephen Hawking and I believe that is part of the same special (or maybe the one that follows that one).

Thirdly, time is used as a variable. It is part of the fourth dimension and we can only visually see a portion of it, but can calculate much more. Time is not irrelevant, but yes, our relative time basis is irrelevant on a universal level, but that's just a matter of relativity (literally).

Anyway, you guys/gals need to be careful with your facts. The Bubble Theory has pretty much been dismissed for breaking other laws of physics. Time is how you measure relative motion of 3D matter; this is why we call it the 4th dimension. The constants of time are incorrect on a large scale, but will work for smaller scales, thus we can have clocks that are all within reason of one another (why your wristwatch keeps time). The problem with explaining the universe is that there is so much disinformation out there. Most science books in use today are probably wrong. Science has completely changed in the last 20-30 years. In the next 20-30 years, it will continue to advance at a blinding rate. I'll try to keep you guys updated with the latest evidence.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 06:10 PM
Time was created by man to measure change (i.e. motion, deterioration, etc.). Time goes forward irrespective of the quantified physical occurence it is used to measure.

Does time go backward if you throw your car in reverse?

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 06:29 PM
Protector your wrong about the universe being flat, the universe is round, if you want to beleive the big bang theory the explosion would spread outwards from all directions not just outwards from the radius. most of hawkings theories are mad and stupid, as you said scientific facts have been dis-proven before and will carry on to be done so.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 06:29 PM

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by ModestMike
Last night I was watching " A brief History of time" on the science channel and Stephen Hawking mentioned that since the universe is expanding and time runs strait forward to us. If and when the universe stops expanding and starts to contract do you think that time will go backwards and we will die before we are born? Later in the show Stephen said he was wrong about that, but to me if the universe is like a balloon, the same air goes in and comes out. So what do you think?

Why would the universe have to contract once it stoped expanding? Why could'nt it just stop expanding?, and if it did, would time stop?

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 04:00 AM
Phyberoptik How dumb can you be?!?!?, time would'nt stop because the universe had ceased to expand, it is incredibly foolish to beleive that. the only way time can stop logically were if your molecules were sped up to a rate so fast that you'd be moving faster than everything else giving the impression that everything else were staying still, also you would seem invisible because of how fast your molecules were moving. I guess that would be a really great way to hide something big that someone wanted hidden!

[Edited on 4-8-2003 by resentedhalo]

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 04:02 AM
The universe is endless so time is endless days are endless.

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by resentedhalo
Phyberoptik How dumb can you be?!?!?, time would'nt stop because the universe had ceased to expand, it is incredibly foolish to beleive that.
[Edited on 4-8-2003 by resentedhalo]

Whoa? What The Hell I Your problem? I was just posing a question. I never said that I believe that. maybe if you would read the post alittle bit more thoroughly you would see that, but i guess your to quick to be a dick.

What I was getting at was if Modestmikes theory (if and when the universe stops expanding and starts to contract do you think that time will go backwards and we will die before we are born?)was accurate then for a brief moment time would stop. Its like if you rolled two toy cars head on to each other at the same speed,both would roll back after colliding, but both would stop for for a fraction of a nano-second or less as the energy transfer was taking place, before rolling back.

so if after the universe stoped expanding, there would be a brief moment where time would stop before it started to contract. according to Modestmikes theory

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 06:53 AM
It would be self-evident, from the all-encompassing and personally copyrighted explanation of the Big Bang I have previously posted on ATS, that my views are reasonably skewed towards entropic tendencies, and that I do not intend to extend my career as a quantum physicist.

However, to deny the possibility that a dimension such as time might 'stop' when the universe ceases to expand is postulating in areas where it is not possible to postulate.

Even Hawking resorts to bringing 'God' into the equation when he wants to placate or succor the insecure.

On the same basis, I postulate this:

It is possible that the universe will cease to expand at such moment as God is dead, and that at precisely that moment, time will also cease.

I find denials of this implausible.

That's the great thing about dialogues with or about God; anything is possible. I'm not even sure he has a succession plan to get the old clock ticking again.

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