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posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:59 AM
I was just wondering what everyone thought of the show Revalations. I know some people love it and some completly hate it and was wondering what all you lovely ATSers thought of it.

And referring to the "Independence Day" thread about how its been on so many times and if the government might have something to do with it. Wonder if the government might have had this series made for the simple fact that they want us to know about the book of Revalations and how close this strain of events might be.

Now, this is just an idea i'm throwing out there for discussion. These are not my veiws just an idea to see what anyone else thinks about it.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 10:12 AM
Right now I'm just watching the show with an open mind. My mother even wondered about that same issue and was going to ask her Pastor what his thoughts on the show are. For now I view it as entertainment, just another show to suck us in to watching it every week.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 10:15 AM
Im in Ireland so its on tommorow night. I can't wait. It looks really good! Ive been waiting for it for like three weeks!

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by cruella
Right now I'm just watching the show with an open mind. My mother even wondered about that same issue and was going to ask her Pastor what his thoughts on the show are. For now I view it as entertainment, just another show to suck us in to watching it every week.

I have decided not to watch it for this reason.

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 06:20 AM
I haven't seen it but it looks really good, the nexttime it is on I will watch it. Whatis it about anyways, I justsaw the ads

posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 06:24 AM
There's a thread about 'Revelations'' the series at B.T.S


posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 07:24 AM
Thanks,I will go on that site to see it. How many eposodes have been shown so far in the series? Have I missed a lot of it?

[edit on 12-6-2005 by speight89]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by rick_y_2

And referring to the "Independence Day" thread about how its been on so many times and if the government might have something to do with it. Wonder if the government might have had this series made for the simple fact that they want us to know about the book of Revalations and how close this strain of events might be.

Now, this is just an idea i'm throwing out there for discussion. These are not my veiws just an idea to see what anyone else thinks about it.

Wow, I thought I was the only one that noticed the "Come back" the movie "Independance Day" made. The networks practically showered their viewers with it.

So, let's look at the line up:

A flood of "Alien Invasion" movies on Sci-Fi channels.
The hit movie, "Independance Day" shown more than anyone would really want to watch it.
"The 4400", a tv series about abductees returning from a ball of light.
"UFO's in the Bible", showed in the History Channel.
"War of the Worlds", due out this month at a theatre near you, and sure to be a hit.
I'm sure there's a whole lot more ...

So, call me paranoid, but it looks like an agenda to me. But that is ONLY ONE FRONT. The other has to do with the idea of a coming antichrist. The show "Revelations" is only the beginning of this 2nd Mind Front. My silly little oppinion; it's not orchestrated by the government at all, but by much higher powers. "Revelations" ends with a warning, "the antichrist is among us". If you see movies like "the Omen", "Lost Souls", "Bless the Child", "End of Days", and "the Omega Code", start to go the way of "Independance Day", well, now you know why. My silly prediction, you'll see this second mind front in the coming months, and will include shows regarding "bible codes", "prophecies of Nostadamus", and the "prophecies of Malachi".

So what am I getting at: a whole lot of "light" (false light) is flooding these 2 agendas (really one agenda, one puppet master). What is the goal; to make you think that the coming of Christ is: A) an alien invasion, B) an antichrist setup.

Good luck to you all.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Behold

So, let's look at the line up:

A flood of "Alien Invasion" movies on Sci-Fi channels.
The hit movie, "Independence Day" shown more than anyone would really want to watch it.
"The 4400", a tv series about abductees returning from a ball of light.
"UFO's in the Bible", showed in the History Channel.
"War of the Worlds", due out this month at a theater near you, and sure to be a hit.
I'm sure there's a whole lot more ...

The last two movies I've taken my kids to, I see a preview for aq movie called "Chicken Little" In this movie the reason the sky is falling is that there's an alien invasion. Looks like the kids aren't being left out of the target audience.

Funny that this comes up. I was just reading an article yesterday on another website that is pushing the theory that the "alien army" that shows up is actually Jesus and his angels. According to this guys pet theory, which has a few good points, the government is afraid of losing control and is pushing the "evil alien" theory down our throats so we'll join them to fight the "aliens' when they show up. One good point he brings out is the question of why would all these government controlled armies meet up at the same place? (Armageddon) He submits that they are there to fight the returning Christ who we are told is an invading alien armada.

Main points of theory:

[size=+1]Rather than saying a deception will be seen in the sky Jesus says that mankind should look for his personal coming in the sky:

Matthew 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven

Acts 1:11 Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

Daniel 7:13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven,

Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven

Matthew 26:64 Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.

Mark 13:26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory

Mark 14:62 And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.

Luke 21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:

Does all this cloud referencing mean that Jesus can only return on a cloudy day? Should we believe that Jesus and his angels will be riding on water vapor, and that we will join them in a cloud of condensed water vapor? Perhaps, the best explanation for all these references, in both the Old and New Testament, has a different meaning. If you didn't know what an airplane was, what would you call a large round object floating in the sky?

I've asked several people I considered to be much more knowledgeable than myself in this area and they just told me they didn't know. They didn't know what these references to "clouds of heaven" meant. They even agreed with me that they probably were not little white fluffy clouds.

One of the biggest arguments about this is that Jesus, or God, wouldn't need a space ship to ride in. I agree, but that doesn't mean that He wouldn't use one. Think of the stories of Jesus riding in a boat with his disciples. Did he need a boat to cross the lake. We know from certain scriptures that He didn't. He was capable of walking across on his own just fine. Jesus chose to cross the lake in a boat at times, because that's the method of transportation his disciples used. Imagine you and your close friend traveling 1000 miles. He gets in his car to start the trip, and you tell him "See ya there, I'm taking my personal jet." Obviously you would wish to travel with your companions if you really liked being with them.

So, what if? What if we are being conditioned to believe that when the alien armies show up they will be evil creatures. And what if they are not.

I've proven nothing. It's just something to think about.

EDIT: Also see Why does God have need of a starship

[edit on 14-6-2005 by dbates]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by dbates

Funny that this comes up. I was just reading an article yesterday on another website that is pushing the theory that the "alien army" that shows up is actually Jesus and his angels. According to this guys pet theory, which has a few good points, the government is afraid of losing control and is pushing the "evil alien" theory down our throats so we'll join them to fight the "aliens' when they show up.

Does all this cloud referencing mean that Jesus can only return on a cloudy day? Should we believe that Jesus and his angels will be riding on water vapor, and that we will join them in a cloud of condensed water vapor? Perhaps, the best explanation for all these references, in both the Old and New Testament, has a different meaning. If you didn't know what an airplane was, what would you call a large round object floating in the sky?

For me, it is way more than a pet theory, I wholeheartedly believe in it. Whoever this guy is that you refer to, I would like to read more about his theory. I agree with him, when Christ comes, because He will come FROM THE SKY, He will be called an extra-terrestrial by our govenrments and by secular people, and those that come with Him will be called invaders. What is sad is, religious people will call Him antichrist, and the Saints they will call demons. Many christians aren't aware of this, but, just as most of 2 billions christians are expecting an antichrist before Christ, so too, most of 1 billion muslims are expecting Dajjal (Dark Messiah) before Isa (Jesus). I bet many readers weren't even aware that Muslims are also expecting the return of Jesus, but as I said, not until AFTER Dajjal appears. That's 3 billion religious people set up to call whatever comes next, ANTICHRIST. They can't even conceive of the idea that they have been steered the wrong way, not by God, but by their false teachers. It's the BIG LIE setup centuries ago for the very purpose of the Gog/Magog war. These people don't consider some of the most basic questions one should ask, when reading the bible. Like, How EXACTLY do you convince kings, lawyers, doctors, engineers, physicists, gangsters, assasins, pimps, the smart, the dumb, the short, the tall, the armed, the weak, to all go up against what is obviously an IMMORTAL INVINCIBLE force. That's like me convincing them they could jump off the Empire State building wearing my special sneakers, and they'll survive. HOGWASH. The only way the bible can be fulfilled is if they do not see their enemy, CHRIST, as an IMMORTAL INVINCIBLE power. In other words, God is not, at the last minute, going to REMOVE freedom of will, and force the entire world to commit suicide by bringing a nail clipper to a gun fight. Rather, Satan will convince the world that their enemy really only has a water gun.

Now, as to the reference to "coming in the clouds"; it's actually simply saying He comes from Off of our world, from the sky. No one else in history can claim such a thing. As for the possibility of the Messiah returning by the use of "space ships", why not? When Elijah was taken in a chariot of fire, why bother with a chariot, why not just, "one minute you see Elijah", "one minute ya don't". When the Messiah was taken into heaven, why not, "one minute He's there", and "one minute he's not". When Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, why rain fire and brimstone, why not just, "one minute Sodom was there", "one minute it was not". The entire Torah teaches that God NEVER EVER worked that way thruout the entire history of man, why then should the future of man be any different?

Lastly, as a warning, when Christ comes, before calling them that accompany Him, demons, consider this: throughout the entire bible, WHEN DID A DEMON EVER TAKE PHYSICAL FORM AND CONFRONT A PERSON ??? Now, reverse that, how often do we read that Angels did indeed come in physical forms. So again, if God does not change, why would the future be different than the past ???

Good Luck ALL

*Don't quote entire post unless necessary*

[edit on 14-6-2005 by dbates]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 06:09 PM
You all are saying "Why not, would Christ come in a spaceship...etc..etc.." Why? because, God is a Holy God, he is not going to come in something that is not Holy. The fiery Chariot that Elijah was taken up into was very holy, golden and on fire. Do you seriously believe that Jesus is going to enter our world in a "spaceship," something that is often mocked, and made fun of by people who do not believe in aliens? Yes, I do believe alot of people will say that it is an alien, but it wont be, it will be Jesus Christ. As for, this survey that Behold is saying took place, that 2 billion people believe that the antichrist will appear before Christ, this is thus false. I am a christian myself, I have never heard such a thing, or believed it. Why would God allow us christians to have to endure the antichrist if our belief is that the antichrist, when he comes will force all to take the mark of te beast, and accept eternal damnation to hell, or be killed. The bible says that those who "miss" the rapture must have to have their heads chopped off or be killed to get into heaven, well do you think the rapture is going to happen while we are dodging the antichrist trying not to get killed? Of course not..Again, Jesus is a Holy God and he is not going to enter in a "spaceship." Clouds are known to be beautiful and white clouds represent a holy nature, of course Jesus would travel on these clouds down to Earth.

Edit:Come to think of it, no one will think that Jesus is an alien, only christians will see Jesus coming down to Earth and saving us, so there will only be confusion and chaos when babies start dissappearing and planes begin crashing, when the christian pilots are taken away to Heaven.

[edit on 14-6-2005 by Thesanealien]

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by Behold

For me, it is way more than a pet theory, I wholeheartedly believe in it. Whoever this guy is that you refer to, I would like to read more about his theory.

Satan will convince the world that their enemy really only has a water gun.

Sorry, I included a link. Guess I didn't make it obvious enough. Click here (red text on this site is usually a link)

Satan will have to come up with a pretty big lie to pull this off, but that's what he's famous for.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Thesanealien
... As for, this survey that Behold is saying took place, that 2 billion people believe that the antichrist will appear before Christ, this is thus false. I am a christian myself, I have never heard such a thing, or believed it. Why would God allow us christians to have to endure the antichrist if our belief is that the antichrist, when he comes will force all to take the mark of te beast, and accept eternal damnation to hell, or be killed. The bible says that those who "miss" the rapture must have to have their heads chopped off or be killed to get into heaven, well do you think the rapture is going to happen while we are dodging the antichrist trying not to get killed? Of course not.

[edit on 14-6-2005 by Thesanealien]

So you are either pre-trib or mid-trib, which means, for you, Christ has a second and a third coming. One invisible/secret coming in the SKY ONLY, and the other a VERY visible one to Jerusalem. Of course, you are aware that even some of your fellows disagree with you; those that believe there is only a second coming in the clouds back to earth. In any case, my point is still true, YOU believe that, chronologically speaking, antichrist will VISIBLY APPEAR before Christ VISIBLY APPEARS !!! The future, according to your teachers, is as follows, a rapture, a tribulation, the Coming of Christ, a 1000 year reign, Gog/Magog war. Now, where does the antichrist fit in your teacher's theory, he fits in the tribulation, which occurs before the physical return of Christ to earth. So the statement, "most christians expect antichrist before Christ", is VERY TRUE, as it relates to the CLEARLY VISIBLE RETURN OF CHRIST TO EARTH.

Dare to consider a different view:
1.) The antichrist is not one man that comes in the future, but is Satan, and has been in the world since John's time, JUST AS HE PLAINLY SAID SO !!!
2.) The "Great Tribulation" started around 64AD and continued for nearly two and a half centuries. That is when christians were tortured in the most wicked ways ever imaginable (or do you suppose gladiators, lions, boiling tar, crucifixions, and stake burnings, will return?)
3.) The gathering of the saints, and the resurrection, and the Return of the Messiah, all occur at the same time.
4.) The 1000 years is ONE DAY, like Peter said, perhaps even less than a day; perhaps only a "watch in the night", like the psalmist said.
5.) The Gog/Magog War, and the deception which causes it, has been set up for sometime now, and is called the "lie of a future tribulation and an antichrist". Remember, Revelation says Satan deceives THE WHOLE WORLD, not 2/3rds of it. This world is 1/3rd christian. You would think, in a book which makes HEAVY use of fractions, 2/3rds would NEVER be confused with "the whole".

Look, all I'm saying is this; for now, EVERYTHING IS NOTHING MORE THAN SPECULATION, my theory, your theory, everybody's theory, BUT, IF, IF, IF, something comes in the Sky, claims to be Christ, performs miracles, is accompanied by "Saints", WHY OH WHY OH WHY would anyone call that a demonic force. The bible says nothing about such an event regarding "antichrist", such an event in the sky is reserved for the return of the Messiah alone. So, if it happens as I theorize, well, you've been warned, but if it happens as you theorize, well, I've been warned. SELAH !!!

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by dbates

Originally posted by Behold

For me, it is way more than a pet theory, I wholeheartedly believe in it. Whoever this guy is that you refer to, I would like to read more about his theory.

Satan will convince the world that their enemy really only has a water gun.

Sorry, I included a link. Guess I didn't make it obvious enough. Click here (red text on this site is usually a link)

Satan will have to come up with a pretty big lie to pull this off, but that's what he's famous for.

I realized there was a link after I posted, but thanks for your speedy response.

As for the big lie, it's simple:

For secular people: "hey, those guys over there, that came from another world about 3 years ago, they're just as mortal as us. They employ technology just like us. They are not Gods at all, and can be defeated."

For religious people: "hey, that guy over there can't be Christ. What ever happened to the 1000 year reign of peace we were taught about. He's been on earth about 3 years now, and no peace. For Christ's sake, he does JEWISH things, not christian things, he is a liar, and must be the antichrist (Dajjal), just as we've been taught. The beings that came with him must be demons. Now we better get rid of him before he starts to persecute us. Perhaps if we exhibit faith, God will spare us the tribulation that was prophecied. God is on our side, and by faith we'll march right up to them, and Jesus will come to help us fight him, OR, he'll come to rapture us."

You see, it is a repetition of what happened 2000 years ago. Religious people expected something different than what the Messiah delivered, they then lobbied their government to destroy Him. It will happen again, the same exact way, but this time, HE WILL NOT LAY DOWN HIS LIFE.

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