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6 Abortions in 12 months

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posted on May, 16 2005 @ 05:34 AM

A dramatic rise in repeat abortions has reinforced fears that women are increasingly having terminations for lifestyle reasons.

One in three abortions is now carried out on women who have had at least one before. London's DAILY MAIL reports on Monday.

Figures from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service suggest that women who become pregnant at university or at the start of their careers see abortion as a means of delaying motherhood.

Women between 20 and 24 have taken over from teenagers as the largest age group to have terminations-while only one in 100 abortions is carried out solely because of a medical risk to the baby.

It was revealed that one woman from London had six abortions in just 12 months!"

Not even pro-choice can approve of such infantacide can they? Abortion on demand for birth control, how can that be justified on any level. For those who believe abortion is murder there must be a sea of tears with such horrid news. Can mans evil be any worse? Murder of the unborn for having a "fun night"?

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 06:13 AM
i dont know what to make of this,
this is just crazy, beyond words to be honest, im shocked at this. I am anti-abortion cause i see it as murder, but i just cant believe this headline i am reading at the moment. this is shocking.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:29 PM
Her nickname must be Fertile Myrtle.

6 times in 12 months, huh?
Well how about we look at it this way. If she's that irresponsible, do you really want her to have kids?

Sounds bogus to me though. Too convenient for the anti-abortion crowd to use to champion their cause. I don't buy it.

Also can't find any sources other than drudge, but I shall keep lookin.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:37 PM
'ey whats wrong with that? just think how many desperate guys she's satisfied

ever stop to think that maybe she just loves some man meat?

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
'ey whats wrong with that? just think how many desperate guys she's satisfied

ever stop to think that maybe she just loves some man meat?

And yet another compelling side to this complex issue that we must also consider.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:44 PM

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by RANT
I found it this morning but it was so stupid I just didn't even respond. She was some lady on a Jerry Springer type show in the UK last month that said she'd done all this years ago. The Daily Mail didn't even have an abortion article today when I looked, but I found the "6 abortions lady" by scanning UK chat rooms. I wasted like an hour on this stupid piece of crap and didn't even want to give it another thought.

Stupid Drudge and crew. Idiot propagandist halfwits. One minute abortion makes you sterile, the next everybody's doing it repeatedly. Morons. Literally. No apologies from me on that score. F'ing morons.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by RANT]

Thanks for the info, RANT.

RE: Druge... so much for consistency.

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 09:01 PM
I wonder if she is a tweaker, I'm sure I've seen her before buying an oil burner... ya know then she has the unquenchable thirst for pocket rocket

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 10:12 AM
I tell you what, all I know is that 6 abortions in a year will leave the women so anemic that she will not be able to live without a transfusion.

Abortions does cause bleeding you know, and it takes time for the body to recuperated from the pregnacy termination.

I will say is hardly impossible to have so many abortions without a major side effect.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 11:05 AM
its amazing how humaniyt can find humour in the murder of innocent unborn children.
yet it is allowed by our goverment and society...and if you speak againts abortion as a contraceptive "tool" your auto,aticaly labeled has a Bible thumper... i think that woman should be put in a mental facility ...obviously she cant take care of herself...and if she keeps getting pregnant liek that and having all these abortion shell end up dead in some gutter ... authorities should take care of that problem...

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir
and if she keeps getting pregnant liek that and having all these abortion shell end up dead in some gutter ... authorities should take care of that problem...

why? you just said she'll end up dead in some gutter. authorities should stay out of it. Disagree with it as much as you want (If you even believe it, which I don't) but she IS exercising her legal rights.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 03:35 PM
This is sick!

Next time she wants one I hope it takes her life as well!

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