posted on May, 16 2005 @ 11:38 PM
First in his class at West Point
Rhodes Scholar, Oxford graduate
Master’s Degree in economics
Combat veteran - Bronze Star, Silver Star, Purple Heart, Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom
4-star general
NATO Supreme Allied Commander
Voting America simply determined such qualities in a POTUS should be abhored. Clark did enter late in the game and IMO the Iowa & Missouri caucuses is
where the grave mistake in judgement occured. Prior to the elections Clark served as a CNN war correspondent covering the intial Iraq invasion, but
once he entered the race CNN went a little overboard in distancing themselves to quell any perceived conflicts of interest, making sure Clark received
the absolute minimum in campaign coverage, with other networks following suit. You could almost see the jealousy & wounded pride in Judy
Wood'drift's eyes when she dug into him.
[edit on 16-5-2005 by Vajrayana]