posted on Aug, 2 2003 @ 07:13 AM
Being a sound engineer and record producer I am very interested in vibrational frequencies. I once had this idea of producing a track built entirely
on frequencies that would effect the human body. In other words I wanted everyone on the dancefloor to suddenly go to the toilet when the song was
played in a club.
I know it sounds sick, don't worry I'm not some kind of wierdo, it was just an interesting idea!!!!
On a more serious note (excuse the pun!), I have this theory loosely based on the above idea.
I believe that everything is made of the same substance when it is broken down to a sub-atomic, quantum level. This would include everything that we
know as dense matter in this dimension and everything else like waveforms, thoughts and energy that we know exists in this dimension but that we
can't register with our 3rd dimensional senses.
When we play a CD we hear frequencies that we can pick up on as humans, roughly between -20db and 44khz. When dog's listen to the same CD they hear
something very different and probably think that we are all a bunch of nutters!! (Saying that though, they're not that wrong!).
The point I'm trying to make is that if we were to follow the theory that a higher evolved, phyiscally and spiritually, race created us as a hybrid
slave race and left us with scriptures containing codes and messages to their secrets could it be possible that the all important "144,000 chosen
people to be saved" line in the bible actually represents a radio frequency that needs to be cracked to communicate with the creators?
Just a thought, thats all.
Take care.