posted on May, 14 2005 @ 06:25 PM
I am interested in your opinion, of the right kind of Landforce,
Whats its job: Has it to defend your own soil, has it to invade third world countrys, do you want to get the ruler of earth
Whats its standards and attitudes: Do you want a "Staatsbürger in Uniform" (citizen in uniform), or more like a goose walking follower, do you want
it conscripted or professional?...
Ill start:
The job of it is to invade and occupy third world country,
its professional,
190,000 soldiers in the landforces
Paratroopers (armed with LIV )
Light infantry (armed with LIV and APC)
Cavallery (armed with APC, IFV)
Tank troops (armed with IFV, MBT, AGM, MLRS and MEADS)
Leopard IIA6M
Puma (Mauser machine cannon (30mm) with AB-ammonation, KE-ammonation and HE-ammonation, each with two pipes for anti-tank PARS III rockets)
Boxer (also counted non APC-boxers: 120mm motar, TOW, 155mm artillery, medical, transport. anti-nbc, anti-aircraft rocket, anti-aircraft 30mm
Light Infantry Vehicle:
Dingo II
Tiger (european apache longbow equivalent)
NH90 (middle transport helicopter)
AGM (self propelled howitzer with 155mm-cannon turret insetad of the rocket launcher, on a germanized MLRS vehicle)
MARS (germanized MLRS)
Air defence:
MEADS (middle-range missiles against aircrafts and missiles)
(I know that I didnt count some parts, this doesnt mean that they dont exist, its just not that important for me atm)
[edit on 14-5-2005 by Wodan]