I can't believe that people are buying this stuff.
So NOW he can cure cancer! Troy has cured cancer in his garage.
(just evil... this hoax must be stopped)
"Hurtubise said the device—created with major contributions from a German physicist, and the help of an electronics engineer and an
electrician—has produced such “staggeringly positive” results, he will open his lab to any scientist or researcher in the world who wants to
come to North Bay to investigate the God Light."
Uh NAMES?! How is this reporter still having a job?
"“I’m saying to any critic out there to put your money where your mouth is. You come to my lab with any expert you want. You prove my fire paste,
my LIMBIC and my Godlight to be fraudulent, and I will give you $20,000 cash, and openly I will be a fraud in front of the world, But if you can’t
prove them to be fraudulent, which you can’t, you’re going to give me 20 grand. Let’s see where your mouth is now.”
Well this is just stupid. In other words, he got all upset that people didn't believe that ANGEL LIGHT worked (uh, lack of proof.. and its impossible
sorta) ... so now Angel Light is gone and GOD LITE is now in his garage.
This is SOOOOOO a joke.
"Hurtubise and the German physicist, who requested anonymity, worked together on the project using a Web cam."
So they CURED CANCER and they want anomymity?
"“First he’s got engineers doing schematics, and I said ‘buddy don’t you get it that I am an idiot with electronics,’ so he would show me
what to do using the Web cam,” Hurtubise said."
But a physics genious? Or is some alien mind really controlling this guy?
"How did Troy's human testing turn out? Find out Thursday only on BayToday.ca. Part two of this story will also include exclusive photographs of the
God Light in action."
Well concidering his last invention could see through anything and now it doesn't exist. Like.. was he setting out to make a light that could cure
cancer? Or is this a fluke?
Bad bad bad.. hoax.. you don't hoax that you can cure cancer.
This guy should have a line of people outside his house begging him to save their lives.. and he would deserve it for it happening.
Anyone who believes this without proof... specially after the magic angel light has become something that can now cure cancer. This guy just keeps
breaking the laws of physics in his garage.. doesn't anyone see this as being possiblly dangerous to the entire neighbourhood. Oopes there goes half
of north bay - which wouldn't be a loss actually.. I've lived there.
This is going to officially turn North Bay in to quackville for me. Like it was bad there before.. but now.. for the paper to publish this without
major proof and evidence.. REAL evidence.